Recommendations of SHRINES

  • Cheryl Bear: SHRINES

    Grief and the family dynamics unraveled in the aftermath of loss as they work to move forwards brilliantly told in this gripping play. Well done.

    Grief and the family dynamics unraveled in the aftermath of loss as they work to move forwards brilliantly told in this gripping play. Well done.

  • Donna Gordon: SHRINES

    A well-written memoir of the death of a young girl. Although, it's not written in a collection of memories, but rather in the lives of those who can't let her go. It's also a story about family and how, sometimes, we leave legacies that are not encouraging, but might be crippling to younger generations. The parents who obsessively worship their dead daughter seem to have been, in the process, unavailable to their other daughter. This is an unusual story, but one that has a resonating theme.

    A well-written memoir of the death of a young girl. Although, it's not written in a collection of memories, but rather in the lives of those who can't let her go. It's also a story about family and how, sometimes, we leave legacies that are not encouraging, but might be crippling to younger generations. The parents who obsessively worship their dead daughter seem to have been, in the process, unavailable to their other daughter. This is an unusual story, but one that has a resonating theme.

  • Shaun Leisher: SHRINES

    This is a truly haunting ghost story. Not one in the way most think when they hear that genre but a ghost story nonetheless. It's about the haunting that happens in our hearts and how it can take over our lives, especially when the deceased was taken in the prime of their life. It's a play about the importance about moving on with life and maybe even hurting the people you love to do that. This is a play that needs to be told in real-time and I can't wait to have the opportunity to spend time with this family.

    This is a truly haunting ghost story. Not one in the way most think when they hear that genre but a ghost story nonetheless. It's about the haunting that happens in our hearts and how it can take over our lives, especially when the deceased was taken in the prime of their life. It's a play about the importance about moving on with life and maybe even hurting the people you love to do that. This is a play that needs to be told in real-time and I can't wait to have the opportunity to spend time with this family.