Recommendations of Something Borrowed...

  • Paul Donnelly: Something Borrowed...

    There's more than one way to regain possession of a thing you've lost. Sandra and Rachel are amusing portraits of bickering siblings which grow quite dark as we learn what Sandra has planted in her garden. In Something Borrowed revenge is a gift that is served cold, indeed.

    There's more than one way to regain possession of a thing you've lost. Sandra and Rachel are amusing portraits of bickering siblings which grow quite dark as we learn what Sandra has planted in her garden. In Something Borrowed revenge is a gift that is served cold, indeed.

  • Aly Kantor: Something Borrowed...

    Oooh, I could sense something ominous was going on here from page one, and all I could do was sit back, enjoy the very realistic antagonistic sister banter, and wait! If it was this much morbid fun for me as a reader, I can only imagine a live audience actively squirming in their seats! As an older sister with a younger sister who loves to "borrow" from my closet, I found it both relatable and VERY satisfying... right up until that killer reversal! This is a funny, dark, very entertaining piece of theatre!

    Oooh, I could sense something ominous was going on here from page one, and all I could do was sit back, enjoy the very realistic antagonistic sister banter, and wait! If it was this much morbid fun for me as a reader, I can only imagine a live audience actively squirming in their seats! As an older sister with a younger sister who loves to "borrow" from my closet, I found it both relatable and VERY satisfying... right up until that killer reversal! This is a funny, dark, very entertaining piece of theatre!

  • Morey Norkin: Something Borrowed...

    This comedy may be dark (it is), but man is it funny! A sibling rivalry between sisters turns into a tale of revenge. And as each piece of the revenge is revealed, the story becomes shockingly more hilarious. The hatchet joke is priceless! Just a great example of John Busser doing what he does oh so well!

    This comedy may be dark (it is), but man is it funny! A sibling rivalry between sisters turns into a tale of revenge. And as each piece of the revenge is revealed, the story becomes shockingly more hilarious. The hatchet joke is priceless! Just a great example of John Busser doing what he does oh so well!

  • Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn: Something Borrowed...

    I love how biting the humor is between the two warring sisters. Very funny, very relatable and suddenly...very dark! Absolutely a showcase piece for two strong actors! Hilarious and so very delightfully Busser-ian...Can that be a word now?

    I love how biting the humor is between the two warring sisters. Very funny, very relatable and suddenly...very dark! Absolutely a showcase piece for two strong actors! Hilarious and so very delightfully Busser-ian...Can that be a word now?

  • Emma Goldman-Sherman: Something Borrowed...

    Fabulous! Such a wonderful piece that gets it so right! These sisters are tough for very good reasons, and their actions so well-motivated! It's funny and dark and would be a super festival show! Great roles for women too.

    Fabulous! Such a wonderful piece that gets it so right! These sisters are tough for very good reasons, and their actions so well-motivated! It's funny and dark and would be a super festival show! Great roles for women too.

  • Claudia Haas: Something Borrowed...

    Laughed and laughed in-between my gasps of surprise. The nuances of this sibling rivalry are both hilarious and oh-so specific. The dialogue crackles. The play wows. A duet where there’s something for everyone - the actors and the audience.

    Laughed and laughed in-between my gasps of surprise. The nuances of this sibling rivalry are both hilarious and oh-so specific. The dialogue crackles. The play wows. A duet where there’s something for everyone - the actors and the audience.

  • Rachel Feeny-Williams: Something Borrowed...

    Another brilliantly witty piece from John! He's captured the rivalry between two sisters perfectly and just when you think you know which is which he throws in a classic curve ball. Its a lovely piece that covers the complexity of sibling relationships as well as how they affect other relationships. I think the audience will be wondering if Rachel will ever get her 'borrowed' stuff back. Its a play that needs to be performed to allow the inevitable laughs and conversations to be had.

    Another brilliantly witty piece from John! He's captured the rivalry between two sisters perfectly and just when you think you know which is which he throws in a classic curve ball. Its a lovely piece that covers the complexity of sibling relationships as well as how they affect other relationships. I think the audience will be wondering if Rachel will ever get her 'borrowed' stuff back. Its a play that needs to be performed to allow the inevitable laughs and conversations to be had.

  • Charles Scott Jones: Something Borrowed...

    With SOMETHING BORROWED John Busser works his sibling-rivalry premise to its fullest extent with so much pain and humor. Borrowing as in thievery is a boundless source of mirth, as is coveting what isn't ours. I suspect most of us have been both sisters at some time in our lives (like Rachel, imagining something is ours until it is - like Sandra, yearning too much for what we won't get back.) I love the cascade of objects they carp about, the notebook, and the awesome non-verbal reveal that puts this short on a whole new and "deeper" plane. Terrific job.

    With SOMETHING BORROWED John Busser works his sibling-rivalry premise to its fullest extent with so much pain and humor. Borrowing as in thievery is a boundless source of mirth, as is coveting what isn't ours. I suspect most of us have been both sisters at some time in our lives (like Rachel, imagining something is ours until it is - like Sandra, yearning too much for what we won't get back.) I love the cascade of objects they carp about, the notebook, and the awesome non-verbal reveal that puts this short on a whole new and "deeper" plane. Terrific job.

  • Marj O'Neill-Butler: Something Borrowed...

    Well, this play didn't go where I thought it would. Talk about revenge on your sister. It's fun, a little dirty with a satisfying, although macabre ending. For two women.

    Well, this play didn't go where I thought it would. Talk about revenge on your sister. It's fun, a little dirty with a satisfying, although macabre ending. For two women.

  • Doug DeVita: Something Borrowed...

    Gasp inducing sibling rivalry, savagely funny and devastatingly savage. Good, nasty, evil fun.

    Gasp inducing sibling rivalry, savagely funny and devastatingly savage. Good, nasty, evil fun.