Recommendations of Paletas de Coco or, The Letter Unspoken or, The Christmas Eve Play

  • Steven Hayet: Paletas de Coco or, The Letter Unspoken or, The Christmas Eve Play

    An emotional gut punch of a play. Franky Gonzalez has written a beautiful autobiographical piece that is vulnerable, honest, and just unapologetically Franky. We have all been in those situations where we regretted not saying something and vow to next time, hoping then we'll have the strength to speak at the moment when it’s most needed. However, when that moment does come, will we? And if we can’t, hopefully we have an Aaron to lean on for support.

    An emotional gut punch of a play. Franky Gonzalez has written a beautiful autobiographical piece that is vulnerable, honest, and just unapologetically Franky. We have all been in those situations where we regretted not saying something and vow to next time, hoping then we'll have the strength to speak at the moment when it’s most needed. However, when that moment does come, will we? And if we can’t, hopefully we have an Aaron to lean on for support.

  • arroyo monfiletto: Paletas de Coco or, The Letter Unspoken or, The Christmas Eve Play

    What a sensationally vulnerable play. I can only imagine the strength (and maybe the recklessness) it must have taken to write it. Raw, bitter, sweet, wonderful. This might be my new favorite Christmas play.

    What a sensationally vulnerable play. I can only imagine the strength (and maybe the recklessness) it must have taken to write it. Raw, bitter, sweet, wonderful. This might be my new favorite Christmas play.

  • Nelson Diaz-Marcano: Paletas de Coco or, The Letter Unspoken or, The Christmas Eve Play

    Franky has created a work that is not only vulnerable, but excel at being relatable despite its very personal subject. The pain in each word is only easier to take due to the charm of Gonzalez' writing. An exorcism for the playwright, an exciting new work for the audience. Thank you for your boldness Franky.

    Franky has created a work that is not only vulnerable, but excel at being relatable despite its very personal subject. The pain in each word is only easier to take due to the charm of Gonzalez' writing. An exorcism for the playwright, an exciting new work for the audience. Thank you for your boldness Franky.

  • Philip Middleton Williams: Paletas de Coco or, The Letter Unspoken or, The Christmas Eve Play

    This is more than just a play. This is a man telling us with all the honesty and directness he can muster and more about the life that shaped him and nearly took him from us. With unvarnished passion, love, and courage Franky Gonzalez holds nothing back and brings us closer to him, and through him, to ourselves and our own reckoning. This is a work on the scale of Billy Crystal's "500 Sundays" and has as much heart, soul, and directness. A stunning work.

    This is more than just a play. This is a man telling us with all the honesty and directness he can muster and more about the life that shaped him and nearly took him from us. With unvarnished passion, love, and courage Franky Gonzalez holds nothing back and brings us closer to him, and through him, to ourselves and our own reckoning. This is a work on the scale of Billy Crystal's "500 Sundays" and has as much heart, soul, and directness. A stunning work.

  • Matthew Weaver: Paletas de Coco or, The Letter Unspoken or, The Christmas Eve Play

    If anyone ever tells you playwrights don't pour everything they have into their scripts, you show them this play by Franky Gonzalez. He puts EVERYTHING into these pages, shares them with us, and we are better for it. An unadulterated marvel. I'm just sitting here on a Sunday morning, stunned and grateful that he opened his heart. May the fact that he's voiced these beautiful words bring him peace and the pathway forward to write many, many more beautiful words for a long time, and may these beautiful words find their way to people who are worthy of receiving them.

    If anyone ever tells you playwrights don't pour everything they have into their scripts, you show them this play by Franky Gonzalez. He puts EVERYTHING into these pages, shares them with us, and we are better for it. An unadulterated marvel. I'm just sitting here on a Sunday morning, stunned and grateful that he opened his heart. May the fact that he's voiced these beautiful words bring him peace and the pathway forward to write many, many more beautiful words for a long time, and may these beautiful words find their way to people who are worthy of receiving them.