Recommendations of An Appreciation

  • John Busser: An Appreciation

    A piece about the shared experience of art and it's effect on us is told in a unique way by making the audience part of the art being created and seeing that appreciation from two sides of the coin. What an ingenious concept and execution. Bravo Steve.

    A piece about the shared experience of art and it's effect on us is told in a unique way by making the audience part of the art being created and seeing that appreciation from two sides of the coin. What an ingenious concept and execution. Bravo Steve.

  • Nick Malakhow: An Appreciation

    A simple and effective piece that uses both the actors onstage and the magic of live theater and being in the same room with others to convey the poignant universality of human connection. This piece certainly feels especially loaded as we're stripped of our ability to exist in space in large groups at the moment, and it would be a refreshing and cathartic piece to perform in person once such things occur on a wide scale again.

    A simple and effective piece that uses both the actors onstage and the magic of live theater and being in the same room with others to convey the poignant universality of human connection. This piece certainly feels especially loaded as we're stripped of our ability to exist in space in large groups at the moment, and it would be a refreshing and cathartic piece to perform in person once such things occur on a wide scale again.

  • Toby Malone: An Appreciation

    A wonderful, subtle piece of work that turns the spotlight back on the audience and causes us to question the nature of art and beauty. It's so important with this piece to keep remembering that there's an incomplete element still at play here: the way the audience themselves react when they are observed as works of art. That intangible, edgy wildcard turns this short play into an electric work of potential. I'd love to see where it could go.

    A wonderful, subtle piece of work that turns the spotlight back on the audience and causes us to question the nature of art and beauty. It's so important with this piece to keep remembering that there's an incomplete element still at play here: the way the audience themselves react when they are observed as works of art. That intangible, edgy wildcard turns this short play into an electric work of potential. I'd love to see where it could go.

  • DC Cathro: An Appreciation

    A stunning work filled with simplicity and grace, and a deeply emotional piece both for the cast and audience. Don’t let the list of characters scare you off. Beautiful. Absolutely lovely.

    A stunning work filled with simplicity and grace, and a deeply emotional piece both for the cast and audience. Don’t let the list of characters scare you off. Beautiful. Absolutely lovely.

  • Elisabeth Giffin Speckman: An Appreciation

    A fabulous piece that lifted my heart and brought me so much hope. The unveiling--both of the Creator's work and the twist within the play--is handled with stunning artfulness. This piece can be interpreted in so many ways, like all good art, and each new interpretation brings something new and joyous to the table. Martin has written yet another moving work for the stage, one that will stay with audiences for a long, long time. Everyone deserves to be in the audience for a production of this piece, and I hope everyone gets the chance to be. PRODUCE THIS!

    A fabulous piece that lifted my heart and brought me so much hope. The unveiling--both of the Creator's work and the twist within the play--is handled with stunning artfulness. This piece can be interpreted in so many ways, like all good art, and each new interpretation brings something new and joyous to the table. Martin has written yet another moving work for the stage, one that will stay with audiences for a long, long time. Everyone deserves to be in the audience for a production of this piece, and I hope everyone gets the chance to be. PRODUCE THIS!

  • Cheryl Bear: An Appreciation

    A gorgeous piece about power of art that can never be killed despite the desensitization of our culture. Great work.

    A gorgeous piece about power of art that can never be killed despite the desensitization of our culture. Great work.

  • Arianna Rose: An Appreciation

    I learn something new about theatre writing every time I read a play by Steven G. Martin, and AN APPRECIATION is no exception. Smart, funny, breathtaking in its simplicity and honesty - I would LOVE to see this performed. A great homage to live theatre and the 'art of making art'. Bravo!

    I learn something new about theatre writing every time I read a play by Steven G. Martin, and AN APPRECIATION is no exception. Smart, funny, breathtaking in its simplicity and honesty - I would LOVE to see this performed. A great homage to live theatre and the 'art of making art'. Bravo!

  • Neil Radtke: An Appreciation

    I really enjoyed this play. Martin does an outstanding job at setting the scene for the big reveal at the end. I was pulled in the beginning and loved every moment of the ride to the end. Would be a wonderful show to watch and experience from the audience.

    I really enjoyed this play. Martin does an outstanding job at setting the scene for the big reveal at the end. I was pulled in the beginning and loved every moment of the ride to the end. Would be a wonderful show to watch and experience from the audience.

  • Molly Wagner: An Appreciation

    This play is such a delight! I really enjoyed getting to know the patrons at the beginning, which made the reveal all the more sweeter. This would be such a fun play to be in the audience for.

    This play is such a delight! I really enjoyed getting to know the patrons at the beginning, which made the reveal all the more sweeter. This would be such a fun play to be in the audience for.

  • Kimberly Barger: An Appreciation

    Very clever! "An Appreciation" grabs your attention right from the start, and the main hook, as well as the side conversations between the characters, are well executed. I would love to be in the audience for this one - what a treat. And it could be easily staged in any size theater.

    Very clever! "An Appreciation" grabs your attention right from the start, and the main hook, as well as the side conversations between the characters, are well executed. I would love to be in the audience for this one - what a treat. And it could be easily staged in any size theater.