Recommendations of Aloha Apocalypse (Ten Minute Play)

  • Debbie Lamedman: Aloha Apocalypse (Ten Minute Play)

    Eppich-Harris manages to create tension, fear, and humor in this 10-minute piece. I ran the gamut of emotions reading this fast-paced two-hander, feeling the terror this couple must be feeling, yet at the same time, chuckling at the petty arguments that come from being married to the same person for many years. In a short amount of time, we are given plenty to think about as we put ourselves in this situation. Powerful, funny, and poignant!

    Eppich-Harris manages to create tension, fear, and humor in this 10-minute piece. I ran the gamut of emotions reading this fast-paced two-hander, feeling the terror this couple must be feeling, yet at the same time, chuckling at the petty arguments that come from being married to the same person for many years. In a short amount of time, we are given plenty to think about as we put ourselves in this situation. Powerful, funny, and poignant!

  • Vince Gatton: Aloha Apocalypse (Ten Minute Play)

    This short play about two people facing imminent nuclear annihilation manages a difficult trick: it’s very funny without turning its premise into a gag. The emotional stakes remain hugely real throughout, which heightens both the horror of it AND the humor. (Recording a final video message to their children is emotionally agonizing; the need for repeated retakes is human and hilarious.) I had forgotten this real-life incident at first, but what a terrific idea to examine: what would you have said or done or confessed, had it been you?

    This short play about two people facing imminent nuclear annihilation manages a difficult trick: it’s very funny without turning its premise into a gag. The emotional stakes remain hugely real throughout, which heightens both the horror of it AND the humor. (Recording a final video message to their children is emotionally agonizing; the need for repeated retakes is human and hilarious.) I had forgotten this real-life incident at first, but what a terrific idea to examine: what would you have said or done or confessed, had it been you?

  • D. Lee Miller: Aloha Apocalypse (Ten Minute Play)

    A very taut play about a vacation interrupted by a report of nuclear war, ALOHA APOLCALYPSE is a frightening, funny and well-written play by Marci Eppich-Harris. It flies by as fast as your last minutes would - and the human moments it covers are totally earned. Well done.

    A very taut play about a vacation interrupted by a report of nuclear war, ALOHA APOLCALYPSE is a frightening, funny and well-written play by Marci Eppich-Harris. It flies by as fast as your last minutes would - and the human moments it covers are totally earned. Well done.

  • Julie Zaffarano: Aloha Apocalypse (Ten Minute Play)

    What do you do when faced with imminent death? During a vacation in Hawaii? Marcia Eppich-Harris takes us on this journey through the eyes of an unsuspecting couple. Fast paced, funny, moving.

    What do you do when faced with imminent death? During a vacation in Hawaii? Marcia Eppich-Harris takes us on this journey through the eyes of an unsuspecting couple. Fast paced, funny, moving.

  • Mary Karty: Aloha Apocalypse (Ten Minute Play)

    This has so much emotion in one play. There is humor, love, betrayal, and redemption in only 10 minutes. Very adaptable.

    This has so much emotion in one play. There is humor, love, betrayal, and redemption in only 10 minutes. Very adaptable.

  • Megan Ann Jacobs: Aloha Apocalypse (Ten Minute Play)

    A hilarious show about facing one's own mortality- who would have thought! This is quick, sharp, and invokes such empathy for all sides that it will have you wiping a tear away from your check and then holding your belly laughing the next. A true work of art!

    A hilarious show about facing one's own mortality- who would have thought! This is quick, sharp, and invokes such empathy for all sides that it will have you wiping a tear away from your check and then holding your belly laughing the next. A true work of art!

  • Mark Harvey Levine: Aloha Apocalypse (Ten Minute Play)

    A very funny play that answers a very big question -- what would you do if you knew you were about to die? Goes beyond the comedy, too, to find some nicely drawn human moments. A great example of a playwright taking a real event and running with it. It gives me that "Dang, I wish I'd thought of that" feeling.

    A very funny play that answers a very big question -- what would you do if you knew you were about to die? Goes beyond the comedy, too, to find some nicely drawn human moments. A great example of a playwright taking a real event and running with it. It gives me that "Dang, I wish I'd thought of that" feeling.

  • Jan Probst: Aloha Apocalypse (Ten Minute Play)

    Sweet, funny play about what you might do in the moment, if the end was very near. Sharp, witty dialogue offers multiple opportunities for nuanced performances in this clever two-hander.

    Sweet, funny play about what you might do in the moment, if the end was very near. Sharp, witty dialogue offers multiple opportunities for nuanced performances in this clever two-hander.

  • Samantha Marchant: Aloha Apocalypse (Ten Minute Play)

    Makes you feel the tension, the love, and the truth of a very surreal situation. A captivating script that askes "what would you do?"

    Makes you feel the tension, the love, and the truth of a very surreal situation. A captivating script that askes "what would you do?"

  • Kate Danley: Aloha Apocalypse (Ten Minute Play)

    A few years ago, there was that false alarm in Hawaii that warned everyone there was an incoming missile attack. With humor and poignancy, this play explores the moments when you think the end is minutes away. Endearing with great roles for older actors!

    A few years ago, there was that false alarm in Hawaii that warned everyone there was an incoming missile attack. With humor and poignancy, this play explores the moments when you think the end is minutes away. Endearing with great roles for older actors!