Recommendations of burnout.

  • James Kenna: burnout.

    A play that captures your breath. With each inhale Noah takes, the grip of systematized capitalism grows tighter. Timms weaves an incredibly paced, character-driven story that utilizes theatricality in oh-so-satisfying ways. There are moments in this play that connects to the deepest places of engagement, particularly the final monologue. The emotionality inherent in the writing speaks to Timms poignant crafting of moments, characters, and thematic execution. An extremely timely peice, that deserves a wide-broadcast.

    A play that captures your breath. With each inhale Noah takes, the grip of systematized capitalism grows tighter. Timms weaves an incredibly paced, character-driven story that utilizes theatricality in oh-so-satisfying ways. There are moments in this play that connects to the deepest places of engagement, particularly the final monologue. The emotionality inherent in the writing speaks to Timms poignant crafting of moments, characters, and thematic execution. An extremely timely peice, that deserves a wide-broadcast.

  • Ricardo Soltero-Brown: burnout.

    A stark indictment of overriding mercenary apparatuses implemented by capitalism, an incisive portrayal of a systematized ourobouros imposed upon workers; the play is at times so shrewd it occasionally presses flush against satire. These moments are certainly highlights, as they appropriately highlight absurdities, catch-22s, and paradoxes of debt, loans, advances, interest, advance interest, interest payments, affordable payments and, that bon mot, affordable debt. The human tale turns Noah toward tragedy as debts deepen. Love, friendship, employment, all subjected to damage. Recreation...

    A stark indictment of overriding mercenary apparatuses implemented by capitalism, an incisive portrayal of a systematized ourobouros imposed upon workers; the play is at times so shrewd it occasionally presses flush against satire. These moments are certainly highlights, as they appropriately highlight absurdities, catch-22s, and paradoxes of debt, loans, advances, interest, advance interest, interest payments, affordable payments and, that bon mot, affordable debt. The human tale turns Noah toward tragedy as debts deepen. Love, friendship, employment, all subjected to damage. Recreation becomes evasion. Timms has written a formidable play about one vulnerable man's lasting grip to keep his dignity.