Recommendations of Science Friction; or, The Rapid Deconstruction of a Rational Mind

  • Rachel Feeny-Williams: Science Friction; or, The Rapid Deconstruction of a Rational Mind

    I had the great privilege of producing an audio version of this play for my audio play podcast THEATRICAL SHENANIGANS. The wonderfully chaotic dialogue between Ray and Daisy is brilliantly constructed here as the audience is invited to watch the back-and-forth between the two after Daisy's journey into the world of sci-fi has left her with an....interesting outlook on the world. That, coupled with the wonderful twist at the end makes this not only a great play to watch but a wonderfully fun piece to produce.

    I had the great privilege of producing an audio version of this play for my audio play podcast THEATRICAL SHENANIGANS. The wonderfully chaotic dialogue between Ray and Daisy is brilliantly constructed here as the audience is invited to watch the back-and-forth between the two after Daisy's journey into the world of sci-fi has left her with an....interesting outlook on the world. That, coupled with the wonderful twist at the end makes this not only a great play to watch but a wonderfully fun piece to produce.

  • Jonathan Cook: Science Friction; or, The Rapid Deconstruction of a Rational Mind

    I produced an audio version of this play on the GATHER BY THE GHOST LIGHT radio theater podcast. Ken Preuss has crafted a fun piece of theater here filled with many popular science fiction references. He keeps the story unpredictable and keeps you guessing at what's next for this couple's relationship. With a wonderful surprise ending that is a delightful twist! A perfect and tidy little story. Highly recommended!

    I produced an audio version of this play on the GATHER BY THE GHOST LIGHT radio theater podcast. Ken Preuss has crafted a fun piece of theater here filled with many popular science fiction references. He keeps the story unpredictable and keeps you guessing at what's next for this couple's relationship. With a wonderful surprise ending that is a delightful twist! A perfect and tidy little story. Highly recommended!

  • Paul Donnelly: Science Friction; or, The Rapid Deconstruction of a Rational Mind

    I just had the pleasure of hearing this play read on the Gather by the Ghost Light podcast. It offers a witty take on an obsession with Sci-Fi carried to an extreme and on the vagaries of young love. It also has a terrific and surprising twist-ending. All-in-all, the play is a real treat.

    I just had the pleasure of hearing this play read on the Gather by the Ghost Light podcast. It offers a witty take on an obsession with Sci-Fi carried to an extreme and on the vagaries of young love. It also has a terrific and surprising twist-ending. All-in-all, the play is a real treat.

  • Evan Baughfman: Science Friction; or, The Rapid Deconstruction of a Rational Mind

    A wonderful homage to sci-fi pop culture! Hilarious and thought-provoking!

    A wonderful homage to sci-fi pop culture! Hilarious and thought-provoking!

  • Daniel Guyton: Science Friction; or, The Rapid Deconstruction of a Rational Mind

    One of the best 10-minute plays I've ever read! Incredibly funny and profound. We produced it at our annual Halloween festival this year, and it was the absolute highlight of the evening. No weak moments in the entire play, and the actors who brought it to life were beyond superb. This piece gets a chef's kiss for its stellar dialogue and delicious character choices. Bravo!

    One of the best 10-minute plays I've ever read! Incredibly funny and profound. We produced it at our annual Halloween festival this year, and it was the absolute highlight of the evening. No weak moments in the entire play, and the actors who brought it to life were beyond superb. This piece gets a chef's kiss for its stellar dialogue and delicious character choices. Bravo!

  • Patrick Gabridge: Science Friction; or, The Rapid Deconstruction of a Rational Mind

    Oh, just heard a reading of this from Tiny Theatre, and what an absolute delight. I love all the call outs to our favorite sci-fi touchpoints, with so much fun energy. And l love the ending!

    Oh, just heard a reading of this from Tiny Theatre, and what an absolute delight. I love all the call outs to our favorite sci-fi touchpoints, with so much fun energy. And l love the ending!

  • Arianna Rose: Science Friction; or, The Rapid Deconstruction of a Rational Mind

    A fabulous twist at the end makes you re-think the entire play, which is pure theatrical magic and playwrighting mastery. I was lucky enough to listen to a podcast of this play as part of Theatre Odyssey's 16th Annual 10-minute play festival. A treat for the eyes and ears. Playwright Preuss has productions all over the world of his short plays and it's easy to see why.

    A fabulous twist at the end makes you re-think the entire play, which is pure theatrical magic and playwrighting mastery. I was lucky enough to listen to a podcast of this play as part of Theatre Odyssey's 16th Annual 10-minute play festival. A treat for the eyes and ears. Playwright Preuss has productions all over the world of his short plays and it's easy to see why.

  • Charles Scott Jones: Science Friction; or, The Rapid Deconstruction of a Rational Mind

    Ken Preuss has the knack of having fun with what's deadly serious. "Science Friction" plays with the Platonic nightmare of pop-mimetic realities competing with and replacing our beleaguered non-fictional lives. It's a blast and a thinker all in one - whether you're a sci-fi fan or not. I highly recommend "Science Friction." Read it before it's too late for all of us . . .

    Ken Preuss has the knack of having fun with what's deadly serious. "Science Friction" plays with the Platonic nightmare of pop-mimetic realities competing with and replacing our beleaguered non-fictional lives. It's a blast and a thinker all in one - whether you're a sci-fi fan or not. I highly recommend "Science Friction." Read it before it's too late for all of us . . .

  • Daniel Prillaman: Science Friction; or, The Rapid Deconstruction of a Rational Mind

    The phrase "down the rabbit hole" comes to mind, albeit the trip of this play is filled with significantly more paranoia, anxiety, and expertly placed references. Preuss's short play is a hilarious, brilliant love letter to high concept sci-fi (and all the ways it is actually scarily similar to our own world). Daisy's imagination is probably getting away from her, but to be honest...I see where she's coming from. Wonderfully done.

    The phrase "down the rabbit hole" comes to mind, albeit the trip of this play is filled with significantly more paranoia, anxiety, and expertly placed references. Preuss's short play is a hilarious, brilliant love letter to high concept sci-fi (and all the ways it is actually scarily similar to our own world). Daisy's imagination is probably getting away from her, but to be honest...I see where she's coming from. Wonderfully done.

  • Emily McClain: Science Friction; or, The Rapid Deconstruction of a Rational Mind

    This play is a tremendously accurate portrayal of what it's like to be swept up into a new genre and suddenly seeing echoes of it EVERYWHERE. Many giants in the sci-fi genre get a nod, and it's done in a smart manner that never feels forced.

    And the ending? Pure delight. Produce this! Audiences will enjoy the ride!

    This play is a tremendously accurate portrayal of what it's like to be swept up into a new genre and suddenly seeing echoes of it EVERYWHERE. Many giants in the sci-fi genre get a nod, and it's done in a smart manner that never feels forced.

    And the ending? Pure delight. Produce this! Audiences will enjoy the ride!