Recommendations of Science Friction; or, The Rapid Deconstruction of a Rational Mind

  • Steven G. Martin: Science Friction; or, The Rapid Deconstruction of a Rational Mind

    Not until the final line of dialogue will an audience fully understand the dark. comic story here. And it's very satisfying to be kept in the dark.

    This isn't to say Ken Preuss cheats audiences and readers with "Science Friction: The Rapid Deconstruction of a Rational Mind." It's just the opposite, as I could sense something was wrong even with light touches and references to oh-so-many science fiction stories. Preuss provides hints.

    But it isn't 'til the end when everything is laid out will an audience fully understand the conflict and the resolution in this short, terrific play.

    Not until the final line of dialogue will an audience fully understand the dark. comic story here. And it's very satisfying to be kept in the dark.

    This isn't to say Ken Preuss cheats audiences and readers with "Science Friction: The Rapid Deconstruction of a Rational Mind." It's just the opposite, as I could sense something was wrong even with light touches and references to oh-so-many science fiction stories. Preuss provides hints.

    But it isn't 'til the end when everything is laid out will an audience fully understand the conflict and the resolution in this short, terrific play.

  • Monica Cross: Science Friction; or, The Rapid Deconstruction of a Rational Mind

    What a fun sci-fi play! Harkening to and drawing on sci-fi classics of prose and film, we get references to and quotes from some of the greatest moments in science fiction. But how much strain can sci-fi put on a relationship? Ken Preuss proves that it can be apocalyptic!

    This play is perfect regardless of the audience's familiarity with the science fiction referenced. If you are a huge sci-fi fan (like I am), you'll love this. But I imagine that even the most sci-fi adverse audience members will find the humor is Daisy's fatalistic conclusions about the genre.

    Highly Recommended!...

    What a fun sci-fi play! Harkening to and drawing on sci-fi classics of prose and film, we get references to and quotes from some of the greatest moments in science fiction. But how much strain can sci-fi put on a relationship? Ken Preuss proves that it can be apocalyptic!

    This play is perfect regardless of the audience's familiarity with the science fiction referenced. If you are a huge sci-fi fan (like I am), you'll love this. But I imagine that even the most sci-fi adverse audience members will find the humor is Daisy's fatalistic conclusions about the genre.

    Highly Recommended!

  • John Busser: Science Friction; or, The Rapid Deconstruction of a Rational Mind

    Ken Preuss is a g*****n genius of a writer. He hits all the right notes in this look at how our various loves and obsessions can backfire on us, but in a smartly funny way. I had an inhumanly large grin on my face reading this play, recognizing all the references, getting all the quotes, understanding all the implications. Oh wait, I'm one of "them", aren't I? It took me over, like this play did, insidiously worming its way into my mind and changing me into a fan of Ken Preuss. What kind of monster is he, anyway?

    Ken Preuss is a g*****n genius of a writer. He hits all the right notes in this look at how our various loves and obsessions can backfire on us, but in a smartly funny way. I had an inhumanly large grin on my face reading this play, recognizing all the references, getting all the quotes, understanding all the implications. Oh wait, I'm one of "them", aren't I? It took me over, like this play did, insidiously worming its way into my mind and changing me into a fan of Ken Preuss. What kind of monster is he, anyway?

  • John Mabey: Science Friction; or, The Rapid Deconstruction of a Rational Mind

    Ken Preuss has a special way of giving an enormous amount of depth and heart to any topic, and in this comedy he succeeds with sci-fi bliss. And friction. The couple in this play encounter unexpected romantic twists and plenty of sci-fi references to satisfy fans of either genre. Definitely a play that will delight audiences in festivals.

    Ken Preuss has a special way of giving an enormous amount of depth and heart to any topic, and in this comedy he succeeds with sci-fi bliss. And friction. The couple in this play encounter unexpected romantic twists and plenty of sci-fi references to satisfy fans of either genre. Definitely a play that will delight audiences in festivals.