Recommendations of Into Me (A Love Story)

  • Claudia Haas: Into Me (A Love Story)

    There is a mystery to love and Cathro explores the mystery with all the gentleness, fear, and hope that goes with it. You're drawn to Zach. You hope with Zach. And you believe in possibilities with Zach. It's a play rich in theatrical detail and thoughtful in its questions and answers. Plus, spending time with "love" is always a good idea.

    There is a mystery to love and Cathro explores the mystery with all the gentleness, fear, and hope that goes with it. You're drawn to Zach. You hope with Zach. And you believe in possibilities with Zach. It's a play rich in theatrical detail and thoughtful in its questions and answers. Plus, spending time with "love" is always a good idea.

  • Steven G. Martin: Into Me (A Love Story)

    Like no other love story you'll watch on stage. Singular. Shocking. Beautiful.

    Like no other love story you'll watch on stage. Singular. Shocking. Beautiful.

  • Scott Sickles: Into Me (A Love Story)

    It is certainly a love story line no other I've read. It's filled with surprises from the get-go and I don't want to give anything away. But I can say Cathro captures the yearning, longing, and hope of love that might somehow be requited even if it seems impossible.

    It's a wonderful piece for a solo actor and an imaginative director and design team. The possibilities here are infinite, in both the staging and the romance!

    It is certainly a love story line no other I've read. It's filled with surprises from the get-go and I don't want to give anything away. But I can say Cathro captures the yearning, longing, and hope of love that might somehow be requited even if it seems impossible.

    It's a wonderful piece for a solo actor and an imaginative director and design team. The possibilities here are infinite, in both the staging and the romance!