At first an engaging, quirky comedy about teen romance and angst, SHE'S BLOWN AWAY takes on a surprising, much darker tone as it explores the rippling effects of an office shooting years before. As with others in Gatton's series of plays radiating from his full-length YOU HAVE EARNED BONUS STARS, it stands on its own, but put in the context of the other work, it may be the most heartbreaking of them all. Beautifully handled and deeply moving.
At first an engaging, quirky comedy about teen romance and angst, SHE'S BLOWN AWAY takes on a surprising, much darker tone as it explores the rippling effects of an office shooting years before. As with others in Gatton's series of plays radiating from his full-length YOU HAVE EARNED BONUS STARS, it stands on its own, but put in the context of the other work, it may be the most heartbreaking of them all. Beautifully handled and deeply moving.