Recommendations of Clasp

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Clasp

    What a sweet, sad play. It's told so simply, yet it conveys what it's been like to live through this pandemic better than anything else I've seen so far. So well done!

    What a sweet, sad play. It's told so simply, yet it conveys what it's been like to live through this pandemic better than anything else I've seen so far. So well done!

  • Ryan Kaminski: Clasp

    A really moving play that can speak to everyone during this time. The characters are well written and the story really moves. This is perfect for 10 minute play festivals as well as virtual theater events. Well done!

    A really moving play that can speak to everyone during this time. The characters are well written and the story really moves. This is perfect for 10 minute play festivals as well as virtual theater events. Well done!

  • Matt Harmon: Clasp

    Wow. What a brutally touching play that speaks to this current moment. Even abstracted from 2020, this play can be about anything we crave but are denied due to forces beyond our control. Any theaters looking for outdoor stagings need to pay attention to Toby Malone and what this piece has to say. Amazing work.

    Wow. What a brutally touching play that speaks to this current moment. Even abstracted from 2020, this play can be about anything we crave but are denied due to forces beyond our control. Any theaters looking for outdoor stagings need to pay attention to Toby Malone and what this piece has to say. Amazing work.

  • Rachael Murray: Clasp

    Perfectly captures our newly-developed collective tension between fearing touch, and longing for it. Skillfully done, rendered simply and honestly.

    Perfectly captures our newly-developed collective tension between fearing touch, and longing for it. Skillfully done, rendered simply and honestly.

  • Jack Levine: Clasp

    TOBY MALONE’s “CLASP” is a ‘right-on’ play of the strong need we as human beings have to hold one another. It’s a basic desire, which a global pandemic denies to those who wish to stay safe.

    TOBY MALONE’s “CLASP” is a ‘right-on’ play of the strong need we as human beings have to hold one another. It’s a basic desire, which a global pandemic denies to those who wish to stay safe.

  • Daniel Prillaman: Clasp

    A succinct, poignant gut-punch. To spoil the genius simplicity of Malone’s play would be a crime, so I must resort to only saying, “read this play.” Read it. Produce it. It is abundant with layered observations about this particular moment in time, but also all the moments that came before. It is a tremendous feat in just ten minutes. When we’re back on the stage in this country, this piece will have long life. And it will be deserved. Highly recommend.

    A succinct, poignant gut-punch. To spoil the genius simplicity of Malone’s play would be a crime, so I must resort to only saying, “read this play.” Read it. Produce it. It is abundant with layered observations about this particular moment in time, but also all the moments that came before. It is a tremendous feat in just ten minutes. When we’re back on the stage in this country, this piece will have long life. And it will be deserved. Highly recommend.

  • Ruben Carbajal: Clasp

    Without giving away too much, all I really can think of saying is: this is a very stirring and beautifully-rendered short play. To me, this is a perfect encapsulation of the pandemic. This would be a stellar selection for an evening of Covid-19 related plays, but Clasp also speaks to issues that go far beyond this moment.

    Without giving away too much, all I really can think of saying is: this is a very stirring and beautifully-rendered short play. To me, this is a perfect encapsulation of the pandemic. This would be a stellar selection for an evening of Covid-19 related plays, but Clasp also speaks to issues that go far beyond this moment.

  • Kullen Burnet: Clasp

    A simple, at times darkly hilarious and ultimately moving ten minute play about connection, intimacy, and the power of vulnerability during a global pandemic - though I venture to say that even if you took that element out of the play it'd still be as affecting if not more so.

    A simple, at times darkly hilarious and ultimately moving ten minute play about connection, intimacy, and the power of vulnerability during a global pandemic - though I venture to say that even if you took that element out of the play it'd still be as affecting if not more so.

  • Doug DeVita: Clasp

    I only have a few words to say about this play: beautifully, deeply touching, and a necessary, contemporary work of art. Highly recommended.

    I only have a few words to say about this play: beautifully, deeply touching, and a necessary, contemporary work of art. Highly recommended.

  • Jennifer O'Grady: Clasp

    In its ten taut minutes, this wonderful play encapsulates all the fear and longing of our current time, as its two character seek to give and take from each other something which, in ordinary times, would be ordinary, but in our current pandemic time is incredibly high-stakes and frustratingly rare. This is a beautiful play that would be a perfect addition to any festival seeking to illuminate our current times.

    In its ten taut minutes, this wonderful play encapsulates all the fear and longing of our current time, as its two character seek to give and take from each other something which, in ordinary times, would be ordinary, but in our current pandemic time is incredibly high-stakes and frustratingly rare. This is a beautiful play that would be a perfect addition to any festival seeking to illuminate our current times.