Recommendations of Hello?

  • Eytan Deray: Hello?

    A classy and frightening ghost story by Floyd-Priskorn that uses sound and light to heighten every possible sense to an aggravatingly tense note! You don't see the twist coming mid-way, but you also don't expect the ending to be this surprising and scary. Bravo!

    A classy and frightening ghost story by Floyd-Priskorn that uses sound and light to heighten every possible sense to an aggravatingly tense note! You don't see the twist coming mid-way, but you also don't expect the ending to be this surprising and scary. Bravo!

  • Ryan Kaminski: Hello?

    What a great 10 minute horror play! A wonderful ambiance and premise supported by a great cast of characters. Reminds me of, The Others, with Nicole Kidman. This is a must for 10 minute play festivals especially around Halloween. Well done!

    What a great 10 minute horror play! A wonderful ambiance and premise supported by a great cast of characters. Reminds me of, The Others, with Nicole Kidman. This is a must for 10 minute play festivals especially around Halloween. Well done!

  • Scott Sickles: Hello?

    Vividly atmospheric and beautifully structured in just a few pages, HELLO? reaches out of the dark and grabs you. By the time you figure out what’s going on, it’s too late.

    Easy to produce and still get maximum suspense and creepage, especially if you have inventive lighting and costume designers. A Halloween must and a gem for any horror festival.

    Vividly atmospheric and beautifully structured in just a few pages, HELLO? reaches out of the dark and grabs you. By the time you figure out what’s going on, it’s too late.

    Easy to produce and still get maximum suspense and creepage, especially if you have inventive lighting and costume designers. A Halloween must and a gem for any horror festival.

  • Jack Levine: Hello?

    Fasten your seatbelt. Keep your phone nearby to call for help. Say you don’t believe in ghosts. Count to one hundred to get calm. It won’t help! JACQUELYN FLOYD-PRISKORN has written a great play for this time of the year - or anytime you fancy a good ghost story. A very enjoyable short play!

    Fasten your seatbelt. Keep your phone nearby to call for help. Say you don’t believe in ghosts. Count to one hundred to get calm. It won’t help! JACQUELYN FLOYD-PRISKORN has written a great play for this time of the year - or anytime you fancy a good ghost story. A very enjoyable short play!

  • John Busser: Hello?

    A creepy little ghost story that makes you wonder who’s doing the scaring. I loved the look at the situation l from both sides of the story. Fast, fun and best seen in a darkened room.

    A creepy little ghost story that makes you wonder who’s doing the scaring. I loved the look at the situation l from both sides of the story. Fast, fun and best seen in a darkened room.