Recommendations of All The King's Horses

  • Chris Gacinski: All The King's Horses

    All the King's Horses is yet another Doug DeVita masterclass on structure, storytelling, and character development. His way of telling stories is unique to him, and this play is a testament to that. The content of this play is striking, as it shows how some can take advantage of a woman's fertility for their own benefit, proving to be devastating. It's a story that will keep you guessing, but you will not cease being enamored by this play. NYC producers, please lend your eyes and ears to this script, it deserves to see the stage!

    All the King's Horses is yet another Doug DeVita masterclass on structure, storytelling, and character development. His way of telling stories is unique to him, and this play is a testament to that. The content of this play is striking, as it shows how some can take advantage of a woman's fertility for their own benefit, proving to be devastating. It's a story that will keep you guessing, but you will not cease being enamored by this play. NYC producers, please lend your eyes and ears to this script, it deserves to see the stage!

  • Joe Swenson: All The King's Horses

    The word that keeps coming to my mind while I read this was incredible. The structure, the characters, the character arc, the vivid representation of so many different facets of this story, and the story itself: incredible. Doug DeVita tells this story as if he was there, witnessed every single detail of every single moment and just when you think he can't push the story any further out of your comfort zone, Hella tells a piece of her story that brought me to tears. This show must be produced. Either on stage or in film. Incredible.

    The word that keeps coming to my mind while I read this was incredible. The structure, the characters, the character arc, the vivid representation of so many different facets of this story, and the story itself: incredible. Doug DeVita tells this story as if he was there, witnessed every single detail of every single moment and just when you think he can't push the story any further out of your comfort zone, Hella tells a piece of her story that brought me to tears. This show must be produced. Either on stage or in film. Incredible.

  • Dave Osmundsen: All The King's Horses

    At once a thriller that gradually reveals itself to the audience and a complex portrayal of mother/daughter relations, "All the King's Horses" swiftly and theatrically explores how lies and deception complicate one woman's bodily autonomy.

    At once a thriller that gradually reveals itself to the audience and a complex portrayal of mother/daughter relations, "All the King's Horses" swiftly and theatrically explores how lies and deception complicate one woman's bodily autonomy.

  • Tamar Shai Bolkvadze: All The King's Horses

    All the King's Horses is utterly theatrical. Even in reading it, you can see and hear Anna's world shifting as she remains strong in her desire to understand the people she loves most - people she seems to repel, despite her desperate love. There is one scene, between a mother and daughter, that is so raw, so unvarnished, that it's hard to put out of your mind.

    All the King's Horses is utterly theatrical. Even in reading it, you can see and hear Anna's world shifting as she remains strong in her desire to understand the people she loves most - people she seems to repel, despite her desperate love. There is one scene, between a mother and daughter, that is so raw, so unvarnished, that it's hard to put out of your mind.

  • D. Lee Miller: All The King's Horses

    I read it again and recommend it again. Powerful writing in ALL THE KING'S HORSES by Doug DeVita.

    I read it again and recommend it again. Powerful writing in ALL THE KING'S HORSES by Doug DeVita.

  • Catherine Castellani: All The King's Horses

    Anna thinks she has everything under control, with a weaponized wit and a strong sense of what she does NOT want in life. But being young and inexperienced is the the ultimate vulnerability. This highly theatrical exploration manipulation, regret, and guilt takes us through a harrowing episode and out the other side without a false step.

    Anna thinks she has everything under control, with a weaponized wit and a strong sense of what she does NOT want in life. But being young and inexperienced is the the ultimate vulnerability. This highly theatrical exploration manipulation, regret, and guilt takes us through a harrowing episode and out the other side without a false step.

  • D. Lee Miller: All The King's Horses

    The gravity of this memory play is felt in the first moments. ALL THE KING'S HORSES by Doug DeVita is a fascinating look at a serial egg donor. Not a subject to be taken lightly, Anna, one of two main characters, has a life outside this 'secret' life. She is an actress who does comedy - anything to get noticed. Her foil is her no-nonsense therapist, Hella, with her own crisis who shares the story. DeVita has given us a number of well-drawn female characters with crackling dialogue. Excellent roles for women. Well done!!

    The gravity of this memory play is felt in the first moments. ALL THE KING'S HORSES by Doug DeVita is a fascinating look at a serial egg donor. Not a subject to be taken lightly, Anna, one of two main characters, has a life outside this 'secret' life. She is an actress who does comedy - anything to get noticed. Her foil is her no-nonsense therapist, Hella, with her own crisis who shares the story. DeVita has given us a number of well-drawn female characters with crackling dialogue. Excellent roles for women. Well done!!

  • Raymond Alexander Turco: All The King's Horses

    Doug DeVita has penned a witty, charming memory play, that revels in how fluid it is and moves like a dream. The characters are well-defined and strong, and the plot is concise, the dialogue punchy. It's a heart-warming story about trust and loving oneself with confidence.

    Doug DeVita has penned a witty, charming memory play, that revels in how fluid it is and moves like a dream. The characters are well-defined and strong, and the plot is concise, the dialogue punchy. It's a heart-warming story about trust and loving oneself with confidence.

  • Andrew Martineau: All The King's Horses

    The theatrical, non-linear structure of this beautiful, dreamlike play gives us a glimpse into the inner workings of two pivotal characters’ minds: young Anna from Sweden, attempting to live the American dream by making quick money at the expense of her own health, and Hella, who is dealing with her own loss as she helps Anna deal with hers. DeVita aptly ties in references to literary characters, Ariel and Humpty Dumpty, to show us how fragile we are (young women in particular), when we succumb to society’s false expectations of happiness. DeVita brilliantly involves us directly with treats...

    The theatrical, non-linear structure of this beautiful, dreamlike play gives us a glimpse into the inner workings of two pivotal characters’ minds: young Anna from Sweden, attempting to live the American dream by making quick money at the expense of her own health, and Hella, who is dealing with her own loss as she helps Anna deal with hers. DeVita aptly ties in references to literary characters, Ariel and Humpty Dumpty, to show us how fragile we are (young women in particular), when we succumb to society’s false expectations of happiness. DeVita brilliantly involves us directly with treats. First-rate!

  • Kim E. Ruyle: All The King's Horses

    Doug DeVita delivers a knockout. I was immediately hooked from the first page of this script and held in its grasp to the curtain. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again. Hella, a therapist with her own issues, gives a valiant, masterful effort and certainly effects change. But one wonder’s if Anna will ever be fully put together after her ordeal that’s so expertly illuminated in this play. Highly recommended!

    Doug DeVita delivers a knockout. I was immediately hooked from the first page of this script and held in its grasp to the curtain. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again. Hella, a therapist with her own issues, gives a valiant, masterful effort and certainly effects change. But one wonder’s if Anna will ever be fully put together after her ordeal that’s so expertly illuminated in this play. Highly recommended!