Recommendations of Delete

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Delete

    Well, that was a timely read. “Delete” tackles gun violence in such an original, effective way. This short play says a lot in only a few pages and has a devastating ending. What a great piece about a subject that unfortunately isn’t going away any time soon.

    Well, that was a timely read. “Delete” tackles gun violence in such an original, effective way. This short play says a lot in only a few pages and has a devastating ending. What a great piece about a subject that unfortunately isn’t going away any time soon.

  • Scott Sickles: Delete

    Oh yes... we’ve all been trapped in this hellscape in one form or another. Floyd-Priskorn not only captures the soul crushing abyss of helplessness when There Is Nothing To Be Done and blends It seamlessly with the double-edged despair of It Was All Your Fault and You Knew What You Were Doing. DELETE is an indictment of our flaws and our frailty in the face of what technology is and is not willing to do. A short, sweet, beautifully agonizing nightmare!

    Oh yes... we’ve all been trapped in this hellscape in one form or another. Floyd-Priskorn not only captures the soul crushing abyss of helplessness when There Is Nothing To Be Done and blends It seamlessly with the double-edged despair of It Was All Your Fault and You Knew What You Were Doing. DELETE is an indictment of our flaws and our frailty in the face of what technology is and is not willing to do. A short, sweet, beautifully agonizing nightmare!