Commissioned in 2020 and broadcast as a part of our Classics N'at reading series in 2021! With THE BERGERAC SIMULATION, Mora skillfully accomplishes what every successful adaptation should. Her rich play not only stands on its own as a wildly imaginative and thoughtful update of Rostand's but also inspires us to revisit and reevaluate the source text with renewed interest. Sara is a virtuosic role, as funny as she is authentic. This is a story for modern audiences with a classical twinkle in its eye.
Commissioned in 2020 and broadcast as a part of our Classics N'at reading series in 2021! With THE BERGERAC SIMULATION, Mora skillfully accomplishes what every successful adaptation should. Her rich play not only stands on its own as a wildly imaginative and thoughtful update of Rostand's but also inspires us to revisit and reevaluate the source text with renewed interest. Sara is a virtuosic role, as funny as she is authentic. This is a story for modern audiences with a classical twinkle in its eye.