Pittsburgh Public Theater

About the Organization

The mission of Pittsburgh Public Theater is to provide artistically diverse theatrical experiences of the highest quality.

Pittsburgh Public Theater also strives to serve, challenge, stimulate and entertain while operating in a fiscally responsible manner. The Public shares its resources with the community through education and outreach initiatives intended for a wide range of people with the goal of expanding and diversifying the audience while enriching the community.

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The mission of Pittsburgh Public Theater is to provide artistically diverse theatrical experiences of the highest quality.

Pittsburgh Public Theater also strives to serve, challenge, stimulate and entertain while operating in a fiscally responsible manner. The Public shares its resources with the community through education and outreach initiatives intended for a wide range of people with the goal of expanding and diversifying the audience while enriching the community.

Please visit https: ppt.org/ppt_home/about/racial-justice-commitments to learn more about our theater’s ongoing work to promote anti-racism on and off our stage.

  • Commissioned in 2020 and broadcast as a part of our Classics N'at reading series in 2021! With THE BERGERAC SIMULATION, Mora skillfully accomplishes what every successful adaptation should. Her rich play not only stands on its own as a wildly imaginative and thoughtful update of Rostand's but also inspires us to revisit and reevaluate the source text with renewed interest. Sara is a virtuosic role, as funny as she is authentic. This is a story for modern audiences with a classical twinkle in its eye.

    Commissioned in 2020 and broadcast as a part of our Classics N'at reading series in 2021! With THE BERGERAC SIMULATION, Mora skillfully accomplishes what every successful adaptation should. Her rich play not only stands on its own as a wildly imaginative and thoughtful update of Rostand's but also inspires us to revisit and reevaluate the source text with renewed interest. Sara is a virtuosic role, as funny as she is authentic. This is a story for modern audiences with a classical twinkle in its eye.

  • Featured in our PlayTime Live reading series in 2022! Mora's plays are delightfully and deliciously human and, when it comes to this quirky comedy, especially when they feature an anthropomorphized cat named Panda. It's impossible not to relate to the charming neuroses of filmmaker Jules, her very pregnant sister Willa, and their dreamy neighbor Pete as they navigate fraught relationships and artistic fulfillment amid the dawn of the pandemic. INDOOR CATS will warm your heart as it busts your gut.

    Featured in our PlayTime Live reading series in 2022! Mora's plays are delightfully and deliciously human and, when it comes to this quirky comedy, especially when they feature an anthropomorphized cat named Panda. It's impossible not to relate to the charming neuroses of filmmaker Jules, her very pregnant sister Willa, and their dreamy neighbor Pete as they navigate fraught relationships and artistic fulfillment amid the dawn of the pandemic. INDOOR CATS will warm your heart as it busts your gut.

  • Commissioned and broadcast in our Classics N'at online reading series in 2020! This deeply chilling adaptation wears its dark heart on its sleeve. Whether you're a lover of literature or a horror buff, there's something in this riveting tragicomic tale for everyone to latch onto. In bringing Poe to Pittsburgh, Alec has forged his one-person play with a refreshing specificity that only serves to underline its universality.

    Commissioned and broadcast in our Classics N'at online reading series in 2020! This deeply chilling adaptation wears its dark heart on its sleeve. Whether you're a lover of literature or a horror buff, there's something in this riveting tragicomic tale for everyone to latch onto. In bringing Poe to Pittsburgh, Alec has forged his one-person play with a refreshing specificity that only serves to underline its universality.

  • Featured in our PlayTime online reading series in 2020! There was no better way to connect with and speak to our Western Pennsylvania community in a time of isolation than in their own voice and, by extension, in Alec's singular voice and style. In person or on screen, this play's gripping twists, turns, and tone leave us breathless and wanting more. Unlikely heroes like Mack grow less and less unlikely with each of Alec's remarkable portrayals.

    Featured in our PlayTime online reading series in 2020! There was no better way to connect with and speak to our Western Pennsylvania community in a time of isolation than in their own voice and, by extension, in Alec's singular voice and style. In person or on screen, this play's gripping twists, turns, and tone leave us breathless and wanting more. Unlikely heroes like Mack grow less and less unlikely with each of Alec's remarkable portrayals.

  • Featured in our PlayTime Live reading series in 2022! This compelling duologue is yet another incredible demonstration of Alec's mastery of character and atmosphere. Whether the stakes for Marci and Richie are of life and death proportions or literally trivial, we're thoroughly invested in whether they win or lose. Audiences are sure to laugh, puzzle, and interrogate inner and outer demons alongside them.

    Featured in our PlayTime Live reading series in 2022! This compelling duologue is yet another incredible demonstration of Alec's mastery of character and atmosphere. Whether the stakes for Marci and Richie are of life and death proportions or literally trivial, we're thoroughly invested in whether they win or lose. Audiences are sure to laugh, puzzle, and interrogate inner and outer demons alongside them.