Recommendations of Out, Out Damned Bird!

  • Jack Seamus Conley: Out, Out Damned Bird!

    A one minute play is a tough thing to master, but this is a brilliant example of it done just right. “Out, Out Damned Bird!” is about so much more than it would seem at first glance, and that’s always a wonderfully exciting thing to discover. Nora Louise Syran has crafted a sharp, entertaining, thoughtful, and excellently written critique of gender dynamics that resonates deeply. The brief length of this piece only adds to its effectiveness, feeling complete and earned. Excellent work, highly recommend.

    A one minute play is a tough thing to master, but this is a brilliant example of it done just right. “Out, Out Damned Bird!” is about so much more than it would seem at first glance, and that’s always a wonderfully exciting thing to discover. Nora Louise Syran has crafted a sharp, entertaining, thoughtful, and excellently written critique of gender dynamics that resonates deeply. The brief length of this piece only adds to its effectiveness, feeling complete and earned. Excellent work, highly recommend.

  • Emily McClain: Out, Out Damned Bird!

    This play isn't just about a bird. It's a perfect encapsulation of how a woman can be approaching a problem, addressing an issue, or literally rescuing a pigeon and her forward progress is totally upended by a well-intentioned but clueless man. The emotional consequences are only felt by one party-- and spoiler alert! It's not the man. Excellent work!

    This play isn't just about a bird. It's a perfect encapsulation of how a woman can be approaching a problem, addressing an issue, or literally rescuing a pigeon and her forward progress is totally upended by a well-intentioned but clueless man. The emotional consequences are only felt by one party-- and spoiler alert! It's not the man. Excellent work!

  • Scott Sickles: Out, Out Damned Bird!

    Every woman knows this man. Some encounter him daily… hourly… every goddamn minute. Men encounter him, too, but it’s not the same. This two-page/one-minute play made me very angry. The more I think about it, the more infuriating it becomes. Syran has crafted a streamlined fable of gender dynamics with quickly escalating tensions and a powerful punch. The symbolism and style dovetailed seamlessly with real life, leaving both the woman and the audience aghast,

    Every woman knows this man. Some encounter him daily… hourly… every goddamn minute. Men encounter him, too, but it’s not the same. This two-page/one-minute play made me very angry. The more I think about it, the more infuriating it becomes. Syran has crafted a streamlined fable of gender dynamics with quickly escalating tensions and a powerful punch. The symbolism and style dovetailed seamlessly with real life, leaving both the woman and the audience aghast,