11.04.24 - I'd already recommended this piece a while back but I just had to do so again, thanks to the audio version of this I just heard produced on Broken Arts Entertainment's The Future podcast. Morey Norkin's script about beginnings and endings and a God who's, quite frankly, had it with us and isn't about to give us a another chance. Luckily, Morey is a less vengeful creator and with Broken Arts, has given us that chance with this truly entertaining version.
11.04.24 - I'd already recommended this piece a while back but I just had to do so again, thanks to the audio version of this I just heard produced on Broken Arts Entertainment's The Future podcast. Morey Norkin's script about beginnings and endings and a God who's, quite frankly, had it with us and isn't about to give us a another chance. Luckily, Morey is a less vengeful creator and with Broken Arts, has given us that chance with this truly entertaining version.