Recommendations of Divine Truth

  • Deb Meyer: Divine Truth

    Wow! What a story. Divine Truth delves into the inner realms of a family coping with the life issues of love, death, marriage, parenting, an intense religious doctrine, and all the emotions that spring out of them after a personal tragedy. It’s quite the story. Well done, Debra Cole!

    Wow! What a story. Divine Truth delves into the inner realms of a family coping with the life issues of love, death, marriage, parenting, an intense religious doctrine, and all the emotions that spring out of them after a personal tragedy. It’s quite the story. Well done, Debra Cole!

  • Melissa Bell: Divine Truth

    Wow, just wow. What a story! Go for the ride.

    Wow, just wow. What a story! Go for the ride.

  • Rachel Feeny-Williams: Divine Truth

    Deb has a wonderfully unique gift to create powerful female characters that the audience become invested in, and so it was the case here with me. I found myself feeling so much for Eleanor, struck down by grief and not being aware of things going on in her own family. Its a piece that addresses religion and in certain parts the hypocrisy of a 'holier than thou' attitude when the person in question has secrets of their own. As an audience you will be taken into the lives of these wonderfully created characters and NEED to know what happens!

    Deb has a wonderfully unique gift to create powerful female characters that the audience become invested in, and so it was the case here with me. I found myself feeling so much for Eleanor, struck down by grief and not being aware of things going on in her own family. Its a piece that addresses religion and in certain parts the hypocrisy of a 'holier than thou' attitude when the person in question has secrets of their own. As an audience you will be taken into the lives of these wonderfully created characters and NEED to know what happens!

  • Gretchen Suarez-Pena: Divine Truth

    Compelling. Capturing. I leaned in from the start as trauma, loss, religion, faith, truth, and family relationships mingle in this drama. It took me on a journey that I wasn't expecting and love when a piece surprises you!

    Compelling. Capturing. I leaned in from the start as trauma, loss, religion, faith, truth, and family relationships mingle in this drama. It took me on a journey that I wasn't expecting and love when a piece surprises you!

  • Dana Hall: Divine Truth

    There's something captivating about plays that hold secrets, and this one does it exceptionally well, with the elusive nature of knowledge shifting throughout. The play carries a certain weight, leaving us uncertain about where the truth truly resides. The incorporation of the Christian Science belief system elevates the story beyond the earthly realm. Each character comes across as genuine and there are powerful roles for women. The build-up to the climax was masterfully executed, leaving the audience with plenty to ponder. Thought-provoking, engaging, BRAVA DEB! So glad it was included in...

    There's something captivating about plays that hold secrets, and this one does it exceptionally well, with the elusive nature of knowledge shifting throughout. The play carries a certain weight, leaving us uncertain about where the truth truly resides. The incorporation of the Christian Science belief system elevates the story beyond the earthly realm. Each character comes across as genuine and there are powerful roles for women. The build-up to the climax was masterfully executed, leaving the audience with plenty to ponder. Thought-provoking, engaging, BRAVA DEB! So glad it was included in the Powerstories festival!

  • Marj O'Neill-Butler: Divine Truth

    I watched a recording of DIVINE TRUTH as a part of Powerstories Theatre's third annual virtual global view-on-demand Voices of Women Theatre Festival! When religion tries to impose its own truth on a family, different versions of what is true come out. Is it okay to question the doctrine? How does questioning truth affect the whole family. This one act brings these questions sharply into focus.

    I watched a recording of DIVINE TRUTH as a part of Powerstories Theatre's third annual virtual global view-on-demand Voices of Women Theatre Festival! When religion tries to impose its own truth on a family, different versions of what is true come out. Is it okay to question the doctrine? How does questioning truth affect the whole family. This one act brings these questions sharply into focus.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Divine Truth

    This is such an interesting piece, centering around the question of what truth is and what happens when what is truth is not agreed upon by everyone. I really enjoyed watching everything ramp up and explode. I especially enjoyed how every character managed to be uniquely defined and how nobody felt cartoony, which can sometimes happen in stories centered in very religious homes. This is an engaging, thought-provoking one act.

    This is such an interesting piece, centering around the question of what truth is and what happens when what is truth is not agreed upon by everyone. I really enjoyed watching everything ramp up and explode. I especially enjoyed how every character managed to be uniquely defined and how nobody felt cartoony, which can sometimes happen in stories centered in very religious homes. This is an engaging, thought-provoking one act.

  • Ryan Vaughan: Divine Truth

    A piece that speaks to a question I think our society needs to be asking more, what is truth and where do we find it? Another question that stirs in me from the play is, can there be more than one truth in certain situations? A very thought provoking piece that will lead to the audience having very meaningful conversations about truth and life. Extremely well done!

    A piece that speaks to a question I think our society needs to be asking more, what is truth and where do we find it? Another question that stirs in me from the play is, can there be more than one truth in certain situations? A very thought provoking piece that will lead to the audience having very meaningful conversations about truth and life. Extremely well done!

  • George Sapio: Divine Truth

    A question of faith; should one follow a text without question, or one's own instincts and desires? And what happens when physical ailments come into play? Deb Cole raises these questions effectively and judiciously, examining a family's time of crisis when every family member must decide which path to follow. A superb drama for engaged audiences.

    A question of faith; should one follow a text without question, or one's own instincts and desires? And what happens when physical ailments come into play? Deb Cole raises these questions effectively and judiciously, examining a family's time of crisis when every family member must decide which path to follow. A superb drama for engaged audiences.

  • Cole Hunter Dzubak: Divine Truth

    One of the most engaging pieces of theatre I’ve read to date, Debra A. Cole has proven once again how masterful she is at creating dynamic stories. This piece has so much tension and drama and keeps audiences engaged the whole way. A must read for all theatre creatives!

    One of the most engaging pieces of theatre I’ve read to date, Debra A. Cole has proven once again how masterful she is at creating dynamic stories. This piece has so much tension and drama and keeps audiences engaged the whole way. A must read for all theatre creatives!