Recommendations of Divine Truth

  • Kim E. Ruyle: Divine Truth

    Deb Cole’s well researched play really packs a punch. The sharply drawn and deeply flawed characters parade their delusions and deceit and conflict before us, all except Robbie who, at 14, seems to be the only one with clarity. It’s a wonderfully disturbing piece in the way that great theatre should be. I highly recommend Divine Truth.

    Deb Cole’s well researched play really packs a punch. The sharply drawn and deeply flawed characters parade their delusions and deceit and conflict before us, all except Robbie who, at 14, seems to be the only one with clarity. It’s a wonderfully disturbing piece in the way that great theatre should be. I highly recommend Divine Truth.

  • Christopher Soucy: Divine Truth

    It’s difficult to divine a truth when you are obsessed with divine truth. There are pitfalls that await all of us in the faith we rely on, religious or not. What a gripping piece Deb has created. A true family drama that needs to be on stage.

    It’s difficult to divine a truth when you are obsessed with divine truth. There are pitfalls that await all of us in the faith we rely on, religious or not. What a gripping piece Deb has created. A true family drama that needs to be on stage.

  • Morey Norkin: Divine Truth

    When the only acceptable solution to inconsolable grief or any mental or physical illness is simply to recite religious dogma, the result is likely to be making the situation worse. Debra Cole does a great job showing the different layers of control that various characters try to exert over others in the name of their faith. Thank goodness for young Robbie who is the only character with a grasp on reality. This is one play that will give audiences a lot to talk about. I look forward to seeing it!

    When the only acceptable solution to inconsolable grief or any mental or physical illness is simply to recite religious dogma, the result is likely to be making the situation worse. Debra Cole does a great job showing the different layers of control that various characters try to exert over others in the name of their faith. Thank goodness for young Robbie who is the only character with a grasp on reality. This is one play that will give audiences a lot to talk about. I look forward to seeing it!

  • Lee R. Lawing: Divine Truth

    I had a great friend who was Christian Scientist and I learned a lot about it from him. But despite the differences in what I was raised with, a religious household is always about the same rights and wrongs and the dos and don'ts and who's going to Heaven or not and grief can overwhelm you even if you do believe in the afterlife and your loved one is safely there. I love the Robbie character the most as it is someone who is a little rebellious and thinks for himself and questions all the things he is presented with.

    I had a great friend who was Christian Scientist and I learned a lot about it from him. But despite the differences in what I was raised with, a religious household is always about the same rights and wrongs and the dos and don'ts and who's going to Heaven or not and grief can overwhelm you even if you do believe in the afterlife and your loved one is safely there. I love the Robbie character the most as it is someone who is a little rebellious and thinks for himself and questions all the things he is presented with.

  • Christopher Plumridge: Divine Truth

    I am not familiar with Christian Science beliefs, so this play by Debra is enlightening and educational. There's so much underlying story within this piece that I had yo go back to read some sections. At its heart strong belief, grief and love, albeit strained love run throughout. I found the children most interesting, watching them being caught up in the adults affair. Very good!

    I am not familiar with Christian Science beliefs, so this play by Debra is enlightening and educational. There's so much underlying story within this piece that I had yo go back to read some sections. At its heart strong belief, grief and love, albeit strained love run throughout. I found the children most interesting, watching them being caught up in the adults affair. Very good!

  • Sandra de Helen: Divine Truth

    I've always been curious about Christian Science as it plays out in real life, in families. This play shows family dynamics when things don't go according to the Christian Science play. Great tension building in this one act.

    I've always been curious about Christian Science as it plays out in real life, in families. This play shows family dynamics when things don't go according to the Christian Science play. Great tension building in this one act.

  • Jessie Salsbury: Divine Truth

    This is a one act that explores how Christian Science teaching can cause a break with reality when grief is not properly dealt with. Deb is great at building tension and with realizing interesting characters. A solid piece that would be a great addition to fringe or a conference.

    This is a one act that explores how Christian Science teaching can cause a break with reality when grief is not properly dealt with. Deb is great at building tension and with realizing interesting characters. A solid piece that would be a great addition to fringe or a conference.