Recommendations of Playwrights Versus Zombies!

  • Lee R. Lawing: Playwrights Versus Zombies!

    There's no mountain tall enough when two writers put their minds together to cross it. Funny play about the act of creation but more than that one about friendship and the importance of it especially during a zombie apocalypse.

    There's no mountain tall enough when two writers put their minds together to cross it. Funny play about the act of creation but more than that one about friendship and the importance of it especially during a zombie apocalypse.

  • Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn: Playwrights Versus Zombies!

    Getting the words down on the page in time for a deadline can feel like someone is coming for your brains! This play is visually hilarious and can probably be done virtual or live, either way, full of laughs and symbolism to the plight of the writer who is heads down in their work, unaware of the world falling apart around them...until they add that to the plot of their own story! So fun!

    Getting the words down on the page in time for a deadline can feel like someone is coming for your brains! This play is visually hilarious and can probably be done virtual or live, either way, full of laughs and symbolism to the plight of the writer who is heads down in their work, unaware of the world falling apart around them...until they add that to the plot of their own story! So fun!

  • Scott Sickles: Playwrights Versus Zombies!

    As fun as this is to read – and it is TREMENDOUSLY FUN – it DEMANDS TO BE STAGED! There’s a sight gag involving how slow zombies move and collaborative rewriting that’s an absolute bladder buster!

    After decades of nonverbal zombies that only gurgle and hiss, Plumridge brings back the talking dead, shouting “BRAINS!” (Great shoutout to the 80s classic RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD!) But that’s not all they say!

    On stage or on Zoom, these two playwrights are a scream. Their process… their temperaments… their discoveries! What a great apocalypse!

    As fun as this is to read – and it is TREMENDOUSLY FUN – it DEMANDS TO BE STAGED! There’s a sight gag involving how slow zombies move and collaborative rewriting that’s an absolute bladder buster!

    After decades of nonverbal zombies that only gurgle and hiss, Plumridge brings back the talking dead, shouting “BRAINS!” (Great shoutout to the 80s classic RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD!) But that’s not all they say!

    On stage or on Zoom, these two playwrights are a scream. Their process… their temperaments… their discoveries! What a great apocalypse!

  • Evan Baughfman: Playwrights Versus Zombies!

    The title grabbed me, and the script lived up to the hype! Such awesome, ridiculous fun! The pen IS mightier than the sword!

    The title grabbed me, and the script lived up to the hype! Such awesome, ridiculous fun! The pen IS mightier than the sword!

  • Randy Hunt: Playwrights Versus Zombies!

    Another great script from Christopher! As a playwright -- just like the character NICK -- I sometimes struggle to find solutions to logistical problems in a script that I'm writing. Thankfully, I've never had to deal with the reality that he encounters when a zombie comes knocking on his door looking for some yummy brains to gnaw on. Though...I think I have had nightmares (while sleeping!) like that! Clever and fun -- a great read!

    Another great script from Christopher! As a playwright -- just like the character NICK -- I sometimes struggle to find solutions to logistical problems in a script that I'm writing. Thankfully, I've never had to deal with the reality that he encounters when a zombie comes knocking on his door looking for some yummy brains to gnaw on. Though...I think I have had nightmares (while sleeping!) like that! Clever and fun -- a great read!

  • Rob Weidman: Playwrights Versus Zombies!

    Wonderfully fun and fast-paced short play, in which two playwrights find themselves simultaneously fighting writer's block -and- zombies!

    Wonderfully fun and fast-paced short play, in which two playwrights find themselves simultaneously fighting writer's block -and- zombies!

  • Joe Swenson: Playwrights Versus Zombies!

    Christopher Plumridge strikes again. Who doesn't love Zombies? Once you've read/seen this show, you'll want more, instantly. If anything, Plumridge takes us to the edge of the abyss, but rather than pushing us in, he dances along the edge of the abyss, makes some well-timed jokes, and then when we're not looking, pushes us in. Excellent show, would be very fun to watch live!

    Christopher Plumridge strikes again. Who doesn't love Zombies? Once you've read/seen this show, you'll want more, instantly. If anything, Plumridge takes us to the edge of the abyss, but rather than pushing us in, he dances along the edge of the abyss, makes some well-timed jokes, and then when we're not looking, pushes us in. Excellent show, would be very fun to watch live!

  • Cole Hunter Dzubak: Playwrights Versus Zombies!

    For the past couple of weeks I have been writing while watching (sometimes really bad) found footage horror films, and for some reason, I just relate to this scenario! Christopher Plumridge crafted a wonderful horror comedy with plenty of twists and turns that keep the audience engaged!

    For the past couple of weeks I have been writing while watching (sometimes really bad) found footage horror films, and for some reason, I just relate to this scenario! Christopher Plumridge crafted a wonderful horror comedy with plenty of twists and turns that keep the audience engaged!

  • Christopher Soucy: Playwrights Versus Zombies!

    The answer to an age old question “at what point do we stop working during a zombie apocalypse?” For two industrious playwrights the answer is “never!” Christopher Plumridge has delivered a fun, funny story play about writers, zombies, and cross country collaborations.

    The answer to an age old question “at what point do we stop working during a zombie apocalypse?” For two industrious playwrights the answer is “never!” Christopher Plumridge has delivered a fun, funny story play about writers, zombies, and cross country collaborations.

  • Christopher Soucy: Playwrights Versus Zombies!

    The answer to an age old question “at what point do we stop working during a zombie apocalypse?” For two industrious playwrights the answer is “never!” Christopher Plumridge has delivered a fun, funny story play about writers, zombies, and cross country collaborations.

    The answer to an age old question “at what point do we stop working during a zombie apocalypse?” For two industrious playwrights the answer is “never!” Christopher Plumridge has delivered a fun, funny story play about writers, zombies, and cross country collaborations.