"Space Laser, In Space!" is a lovely, layered, hilarious, thought-provoking short play. Jillian Blevins begins with a sci-fi premise that mocks anti-Semitic rhetoric, echoes "Dr. Strangelove; or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb," examines cultural gatekeeping about what it means to be Jewish, and leaves an audience with an ending that feels remarkably like "The Lady or the Tiger?"
There is a lot packed into this short play, and it's wonderful. Audiences will discuss "Space Laser, In Space!" long after a performance ends.
"Space Laser, In Space!" is a lovely, layered, hilarious, thought-provoking short play. Jillian Blevins begins with a sci-fi premise that mocks anti-Semitic rhetoric, echoes "Dr. Strangelove; or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb," examines cultural gatekeeping about what it means to be Jewish, and leaves an audience with an ending that feels remarkably like "The Lady or the Tiger?"
There is a lot packed into this short play, and it's wonderful. Audiences will discuss "Space Laser, In Space!" long after a performance ends.