Recommendations of Faith, Trust and...

  • Ian Thal: Faith, Trust and...

    Rachel Feeny-Williams has reimagined the stories of Neverland and its inhabitants as a crime noir, with the Peter Pan creator, J.M. Barry/Barrie as a hard-boiled private detective trying to find truth and justice in a corrupt city where the line between law and organized crime is blurred. The dialogue is sharp; The crime story is compelling; and the way Feeny-Williams reinvents characters and concepts for an entirely new genre is inventive and entertaining.

    Rachel Feeny-Williams has reimagined the stories of Neverland and its inhabitants as a crime noir, with the Peter Pan creator, J.M. Barry/Barrie as a hard-boiled private detective trying to find truth and justice in a corrupt city where the line between law and organized crime is blurred. The dialogue is sharp; The crime story is compelling; and the way Feeny-Williams reinvents characters and concepts for an entirely new genre is inventive and entertaining.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Faith, Trust and...

    A seedy, noir-ish Peter Pan taking place after the events of the movie, this play turns familiar characters on their heads and shows us another side to them. I loved learning what happened to the Darling children after their first trip to Neverland. If Martin Scorsese had written Hook, it would probably be something like this.

    A seedy, noir-ish Peter Pan taking place after the events of the movie, this play turns familiar characters on their heads and shows us another side to them. I loved learning what happened to the Darling children after their first trip to Neverland. If Martin Scorsese had written Hook, it would probably be something like this.

  • Hannah Lee DeFrates: Faith, Trust and...

    Just think of a happy thought, any Happy little Thought...& you can fly.
    I adore the one-act version of this play, so obviously I am a big fan of this expanded full-length. FAITH, TRUST AND... takes all the whimsical characters we know and love, and drops them into a noir crime drama that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. Rachel Feeny-Williams' characters are distinct and compelling, in a script so vivid and well-crafted it jumps off the page, making it so easy to visualize a fully-staged production.

    Just think of a happy thought, any Happy little Thought...& you can fly.
    I adore the one-act version of this play, so obviously I am a big fan of this expanded full-length. FAITH, TRUST AND... takes all the whimsical characters we know and love, and drops them into a noir crime drama that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. Rachel Feeny-Williams' characters are distinct and compelling, in a script so vivid and well-crafted it jumps off the page, making it so easy to visualize a fully-staged production.

  • Ellie Parish: Faith, Trust and...

    This spinoff of the classic Peter Pan characters is extremely creative. It made me laugh out loud and also take time to appreciate the drama and film noir references. These characters are taken outside of the box in a way that most of us have never seen before, and it's really fun to see. I would recommend this play for anyone looking for a quick and fun read.

    This spinoff of the classic Peter Pan characters is extremely creative. It made me laugh out loud and also take time to appreciate the drama and film noir references. These characters are taken outside of the box in a way that most of us have never seen before, and it's really fun to see. I would recommend this play for anyone looking for a quick and fun read.

  • Tucker Mensen: Faith, Trust and...

    "Faith, Trust and..." is a phenomenal rendition of the familiar story Peter Pan. It has suspense, twists and turns, and light bits of comedy also sprinkled in there. The characters all have their own meaning within this rendition but also outside of this version of the story. The way that Rachel Feeny-Williams uses each character and also the dialogue between each character doesn't make you doubt for a second who the character is supposed to be referencing. This story is a wonderful that really takes a popular tale and puts a delightful spin on it.

    "Faith, Trust and..." is a phenomenal rendition of the familiar story Peter Pan. It has suspense, twists and turns, and light bits of comedy also sprinkled in there. The characters all have their own meaning within this rendition but also outside of this version of the story. The way that Rachel Feeny-Williams uses each character and also the dialogue between each character doesn't make you doubt for a second who the character is supposed to be referencing. This story is a wonderful that really takes a popular tale and puts a delightful spin on it.

  • Laurelle Bandy: Faith, Trust and...

    A delightful spin on the tale we all know, "Faith, Trust and..." by Rachel Feely-Williams is a fun and mysterious read that brings in interesting film noir stylistic concepts. Rachel does a great job of making every character seep off the page and bring that animated feel while also making them feel real. With a well thought out dose of social commentary that makes the audience think, "Faith, Trust and..." takes you on an adventure that you never want to end.

    A delightful spin on the tale we all know, "Faith, Trust and..." by Rachel Feely-Williams is a fun and mysterious read that brings in interesting film noir stylistic concepts. Rachel does a great job of making every character seep off the page and bring that animated feel while also making them feel real. With a well thought out dose of social commentary that makes the audience think, "Faith, Trust and..." takes you on an adventure that you never want to end.

  • McKenzie Russ: Faith, Trust and...

    Rachel Feeny-Williams reimagines the world of the classic Peter Pan in her play "Faith, Trust, and ..." This play was so creatively written and had me invested in every line. Though it has all the beloved characters, Wonderland looks a little different in the eyes of Feeny-Williams. Somewhat of an origin story, this play will take you on a new adventure through Wonderland that you never knew you needed.

    Rachel Feeny-Williams reimagines the world of the classic Peter Pan in her play "Faith, Trust, and ..." This play was so creatively written and had me invested in every line. Though it has all the beloved characters, Wonderland looks a little different in the eyes of Feeny-Williams. Somewhat of an origin story, this play will take you on a new adventure through Wonderland that you never knew you needed.

  • Katie Kostner: Faith, Trust and...

    A spinoff of the classic story of Peter Pan, "Faith, Trust and..." by Rachel Feeny-William is a fantastical and thrilling read. We see characters we are oh-so-familiar with twisted into darker versions of themselves, dealing with impactful social commentary and relevant struggles and battles. The play takes us through several twists and turns, leaving readers with an ending they won't want to miss! It's a fun and engaging read that I highly recommend!

    A spinoff of the classic story of Peter Pan, "Faith, Trust and..." by Rachel Feeny-William is a fantastical and thrilling read. We see characters we are oh-so-familiar with twisted into darker versions of themselves, dealing with impactful social commentary and relevant struggles and battles. The play takes us through several twists and turns, leaving readers with an ending they won't want to miss! It's a fun and engaging read that I highly recommend!

  • Abbey Messing: Faith, Trust and...

    A staple contemporary example of the classic film noir style staged, "Faith, Trust and..." by Rachel Feeny-William is the Peter Pan retelling we've all been waiting for. It is social commentary utilizing phycological warfare. If you have ever questioned some of the loose ends of the classic tale, this should answer them.

    A staple contemporary example of the classic film noir style staged, "Faith, Trust and..." by Rachel Feeny-William is the Peter Pan retelling we've all been waiting for. It is social commentary utilizing phycological warfare. If you have ever questioned some of the loose ends of the classic tale, this should answer them.

  • Isaac Knudsen: Faith, Trust and...

    This play is a fun twist on a classic tale. Reading this play took me on a journey and I loved every minute of it. I had a blast reading about the way these classic characters were reimagined. This story had lots of twists that I was not expecting and made it thrilling to read!

    This play is a fun twist on a classic tale. Reading this play took me on a journey and I loved every minute of it. I had a blast reading about the way these classic characters were reimagined. This story had lots of twists that I was not expecting and made it thrilling to read!