Recommendations of Faith, Trust and...

  • Morey Norkin: Faith, Trust and...

    I’ve said this before and it bears repeating, Rachel Feeny-Williams is a master of the crime/mystery genre! In FAITH, TRUST AND… she takes the beloved characters from Peter Pan and places them in a Noir-ish, grungy, drug infested Neverland. It’s up to Detective JM Barry to sort out the latest nefarious goings on. Rachel smartly resists the urge to be campy or corny and instead serves up a truly thrilling mystery. Genius!

    I’ve said this before and it bears repeating, Rachel Feeny-Williams is a master of the crime/mystery genre! In FAITH, TRUST AND… she takes the beloved characters from Peter Pan and places them in a Noir-ish, grungy, drug infested Neverland. It’s up to Detective JM Barry to sort out the latest nefarious goings on. Rachel smartly resists the urge to be campy or corny and instead serves up a truly thrilling mystery. Genius!

  • Donald E. Baker: Faith, Trust and...

    I love plays that take familiar characters and develop them in unexpected ways. There's little that can be more unexpected than to take J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan characters, age them into adults, and set them in a grungy Film Noir world where Barrie himself becomes the hard-boiled detective lured into a mystery by a beautiful woman--that would be Wendy. At its core this is a play about drug abuse and the appearance of a dangerous new drug called...well, read it and find out for yourself. Another wonderful work from the unique creative mind of Rachel Feeny-Williams.

    I love plays that take familiar characters and develop them in unexpected ways. There's little that can be more unexpected than to take J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan characters, age them into adults, and set them in a grungy Film Noir world where Barrie himself becomes the hard-boiled detective lured into a mystery by a beautiful woman--that would be Wendy. At its core this is a play about drug abuse and the appearance of a dangerous new drug called...well, read it and find out for yourself. Another wonderful work from the unique creative mind of Rachel Feeny-Williams.