Recommendations of New Oleanna

  • Shaun Leisher: New Oleanna

    Still haven't read Oleanna but it wasn't necessary. I got a lot out of this play and the way it explores gender and the difference between intent and impact.

    Still haven't read Oleanna but it wasn't necessary. I got a lot out of this play and the way it explores gender and the difference between intent and impact.

  • Rukmini Girish: New Oleanna

    I'm going to return to this play again and again for its intricacy, its plotting, its nuance and how unbearably compelling it is; on several occasions, I wanted to yell at the characters to make different choices while knowing they never would. NEW OLEANNA is a fascinating discussion about power, agency and the harm we can cause even when we're trying our best, and one that will stay with you for weeks after you engage with it.

    I'm going to return to this play again and again for its intricacy, its plotting, its nuance and how unbearably compelling it is; on several occasions, I wanted to yell at the characters to make different choices while knowing they never would. NEW OLEANNA is a fascinating discussion about power, agency and the harm we can cause even when we're trying our best, and one that will stay with you for weeks after you engage with it.

  • Sonia Goldberg: New Oleanna

    This play accomplishes what Mamet merely points at. Precise, authentic, well-paced, while also being deeply haunting and tense as all get-out. I personally could not sit still while engaging with this play - it had me squirming with anticipation and discomfort and rage - CATHARSIS.

    This play accomplishes what Mamet merely points at. Precise, authentic, well-paced, while also being deeply haunting and tense as all get-out. I personally could not sit still while engaging with this play - it had me squirming with anticipation and discomfort and rage - CATHARSIS.

  • Kate Black-Spence: New Oleanna

    I've been thinking about this play since I read it last month. It's nuanced, timely, meta, and smart. It's accessible for all audiences, regardless of their familiarity with Oleanna, and will inspire complex debate in post show discussions that will last well after leaving the theatre. As a writer, I look at how tightly woven this story is, the many levels it exists on, and the interpretations of power and it leaves me humbled.

    I've been thinking about this play since I read it last month. It's nuanced, timely, meta, and smart. It's accessible for all audiences, regardless of their familiarity with Oleanna, and will inspire complex debate in post show discussions that will last well after leaving the theatre. As a writer, I look at how tightly woven this story is, the many levels it exists on, and the interpretations of power and it leaves me humbled.