Recommendations of ONE

  • Bruce Karp: ONE

    Premise - clever. Successful - yes.

    Premise - clever. Successful - yes.

  • Chris Gacinski: ONE

    Plumridge combines Beckett-like language experimentation with the brevity of Hemingway to provide a very unique reading experience that makes you ponder rather than wander. I'd love to see this type of experimentation more in theatre and dialogue!

    Plumridge combines Beckett-like language experimentation with the brevity of Hemingway to provide a very unique reading experience that makes you ponder rather than wander. I'd love to see this type of experimentation more in theatre and dialogue!

  • Evan Baughfman: ONE

    A really sharp piece of writing. Communicates SO MUCH with very little! A delight!

    A really sharp piece of writing. Communicates SO MUCH with very little! A delight!

  • Rob Weidman: ONE

    A fun deconstruction of language, communication, and human connection that seems so relevant in our current environment of soundbites and tweets!

    A fun deconstruction of language, communication, and human connection that seems so relevant in our current environment of soundbites and tweets!

  • Morey Norkin: ONE

    ONE is a singular sensation! Two characters utter one word at a time until it becomes too much (or too little?) to bear. Christopher Plumridge’s script gives the sense of what spoken communication is becoming in a world of tweets, texts, and instant messages. Great job! Enough said!

    ONE is a singular sensation! Two characters utter one word at a time until it becomes too much (or too little?) to bear. Christopher Plumridge’s script gives the sense of what spoken communication is becoming in a world of tweets, texts, and instant messages. Great job! Enough said!

  • Rachel Feeny-Williams: ONE

    Communication is key in any relationship and that is what Chris has done a wonderful job in testing here. Red Font and Black Font clearly have things they want to get off their chest and express and those emotions are captured brilliantly, both in the tensioned filled one word back and forth (I say tension filled because you will find yourself dying to know what they are going to say next), but then the emotion is beautifully captured in the outburst that perfectly captures how important words are. Well done Chris, you've used so little but said loads!

    Communication is key in any relationship and that is what Chris has done a wonderful job in testing here. Red Font and Black Font clearly have things they want to get off their chest and express and those emotions are captured brilliantly, both in the tensioned filled one word back and forth (I say tension filled because you will find yourself dying to know what they are going to say next), but then the emotion is beautifully captured in the outburst that perfectly captures how important words are. Well done Chris, you've used so little but said loads!

  • Debra A. Cole: ONE

    THANK YOU, Black Font! This play with it's quick back and forth lines is communication at its simplest form, and like Black Font, every human wants more. The humor CHRISTOPHER PLUMRIDGE brings to this short dialogue is priceless. The pacing - just right.

    THANK YOU, Black Font! This play with it's quick back and forth lines is communication at its simplest form, and like Black Font, every human wants more. The humor CHRISTOPHER PLUMRIDGE brings to this short dialogue is priceless. The pacing - just right.