Recommendations of Bonefruit

  • Dawn Branch: Bonefruit

    "Bonefruit" is an intimate, fascinating look at people in a post-apocalyptic world. As the world changes, as people change, and the rules of society change, how does that affect one of the most vitally important aspects of being human - connection. A beautiful read and I am sure a beautiful production.

    "Bonefruit" is an intimate, fascinating look at people in a post-apocalyptic world. As the world changes, as people change, and the rules of society change, how does that affect one of the most vitally important aspects of being human - connection. A beautiful read and I am sure a beautiful production.

  • Greg Mandryk: Bonefruit

    There is so much fascinating and intricate detail worked into this short, intimate play that you can't help but want to take a peek outside the confines of the scene we're shown to see the elaborate world in which these characters live.

    There is so much fascinating and intricate detail worked into this short, intimate play that you can't help but want to take a peek outside the confines of the scene we're shown to see the elaborate world in which these characters live.

  • Cori Diaz: Bonefruit

    All Leah knows how to do is right hits. The post-apocalyptic lesbian story everyone needs to read.

    All Leah knows how to do is right hits. The post-apocalyptic lesbian story everyone needs to read.

  • Priya Ele: Bonefruit

    A rich apocalyptic world held with delicacy and desperation. Ritualistic and human at once. A wonderful piece.

    A rich apocalyptic world held with delicacy and desperation. Ritualistic and human at once. A wonderful piece.

  • Shaun Leisher: Bonefruit

    Loved this short sci-fi play. A play about two people reconnecting and learning how they've changed when things got desperate. The play features some killer monologues for those looking.

    Loved this short sci-fi play. A play about two people reconnecting and learning how they've changed when things got desperate. The play features some killer monologues for those looking.

  • Neil Ruttenberg: Bonefruit

    A nice slice of other world building. The idea of bone fruit and the story of the Beast meshed perfectly. This piece reminded me of the science fiction I read in the seventies like Andre Norton. Wish there had been more to see of this world.

    A nice slice of other world building. The idea of bone fruit and the story of the Beast meshed perfectly. This piece reminded me of the science fiction I read in the seventies like Andre Norton. Wish there had been more to see of this world.

  • Jaden Tyler Urso: Bonefruit

    A masterwork of creation myth and apocalyptic beauty. Read this play!

    A masterwork of creation myth and apocalyptic beauty. Read this play!

  • Jonny Bolduc: Bonefruit

    This is absolutely mesmerizing, vivid, and if my dreams come true and I am ever in a place to produce new work, this will be a play I enquire about. Exquisite writing. Amazing

    This is absolutely mesmerizing, vivid, and if my dreams come true and I am ever in a place to produce new work, this will be a play I enquire about. Exquisite writing. Amazing

  • Anita Parrott: Bonefruit

    Bonefruit is spell-binding and heartful. It's one of the most exciting plays I've read this year.

    Bonefruit is spell-binding and heartful. It's one of the most exciting plays I've read this year.

  • Sophie McIntosh: Bonefruit

    Situated somewhere between myth and the bitterest of realities, Bonefruit is an exquisite execution of a haunting sci-fi premise. Marbled with longing and regret, this beautifully theatrical play will carry you to the end of the world and back again.

    Situated somewhere between myth and the bitterest of realities, Bonefruit is an exquisite execution of a haunting sci-fi premise. Marbled with longing and regret, this beautifully theatrical play will carry you to the end of the world and back again.