Recommendations of stuffed

  • Scott Sickles: stuffed

    Two things (as it were) have eluded cis-men since time immemorial: 1) the physics of brassiere removal and 2) everything else about bras.

    STUFFED is a perfect title. The amount of information packed into this play is AN EDUCATION!!! About women, their bodies, how they and others perceive their bodies, about human beings! Seriously, it should be taught in schools, repeatedly. It's also screamingly funny.

    Rich characters, great dialogue, relentless payoffs. STUFFED is an instant classic!

    Two things (as it were) have eluded cis-men since time immemorial: 1) the physics of brassiere removal and 2) everything else about bras.

    STUFFED is a perfect title. The amount of information packed into this play is AN EDUCATION!!! About women, their bodies, how they and others perceive their bodies, about human beings! Seriously, it should be taught in schools, repeatedly. It's also screamingly funny.

    Rich characters, great dialogue, relentless payoffs. STUFFED is an instant classic!

  • Catherine Castellani: stuffed

    When you realize you're in IHOP and the play is called "stuffed" you are forgiven for thinking this is about pancakes. It is. Just not in any way you anticipated. I saw this read at the Valdez Theater Conference and it is a top-30 play at the Sam French OOB Festival in New York and the next place it shows up should be on your stage.

    When you realize you're in IHOP and the play is called "stuffed" you are forgiven for thinking this is about pancakes. It is. Just not in any way you anticipated. I saw this read at the Valdez Theater Conference and it is a top-30 play at the Sam French OOB Festival in New York and the next place it shows up should be on your stage.

  • Michael Towers: stuffed

    Let Petunia have her day…because much like the play itself, June and Maggie are down to earth, honest, hysterical, and eternally loyal…and for that and more, you’ll fall in love with both of them (and the play, of course!)

    Let Petunia have her day…because much like the play itself, June and Maggie are down to earth, honest, hysterical, and eternally loyal…and for that and more, you’ll fall in love with both of them (and the play, of course!)

  • John Busser: stuffed

    Okay, this did indeed make me laugh. My two favorite lines? "it’s a clown car." (Great punchline!) And "You can’t just fling off your bra in the middle of the international house of pancakes! Somebody might
    see, internationally!". Claire Dettloff has written some great roles for younger actors here. I think this would be great to see staged for the physical comedy alone.

    Okay, this did indeed make me laugh. My two favorite lines? "it’s a clown car." (Great punchline!) And "You can’t just fling off your bra in the middle of the international house of pancakes! Somebody might
    see, internationally!". Claire Dettloff has written some great roles for younger actors here. I think this would be great to see staged for the physical comedy alone.

  • Stacey Isom Campbell: stuffed

    I was introduced to claire dettloff's play through the Valdez Theatre Conference. It's an hilarious short play that uses physical comedy to explore taking a walk in another woman's bra. The hilarity gives way to a rich, important theme in this smart comedy about women. I would love to see it fully staged!

    I was introduced to claire dettloff's play through the Valdez Theatre Conference. It's an hilarious short play that uses physical comedy to explore taking a walk in another woman's bra. The hilarity gives way to a rich, important theme in this smart comedy about women. I would love to see it fully staged!

  • Karen Jean Martinson: stuffed

    A hilarious look at our boobs, and the weight - literal, metaphorical, and societal - that they carry. Claire is really cultivating her voice as a feminist writer for our time. Her plays are irreverent, hilarious, and surprisingly profound, and they really speak to what it is to be a woman today.

    A hilarious look at our boobs, and the weight - literal, metaphorical, and societal - that they carry. Claire is really cultivating her voice as a feminist writer for our time. Her plays are irreverent, hilarious, and surprisingly profound, and they really speak to what it is to be a woman today.

  • Annie Considine: stuffed

    I saw this at Valdez Theatre Conference and was so impressed by how much fun Claire Dettloff was able to pack into a ten minute piece! Subverting the male gaze into something funny instead of something to compete over was very cleverly established in the doofus waiter, and the friendship between the two women is so enviable! Love this piece.

    I saw this at Valdez Theatre Conference and was so impressed by how much fun Claire Dettloff was able to pack into a ten minute piece! Subverting the male gaze into something funny instead of something to compete over was very cleverly established in the doofus waiter, and the friendship between the two women is so enviable! Love this piece.

  • James Binz: stuffed

    Cute comedy. Interesting action items and the characters are true to life and fun. Dettloff has a happy way with dialogue and the story moves well. I was very surprised at the use of the pancakes! And I laughed most of the way. I have no way of knowing about the "euphoria", but this made it a little easier to imagine. Thank you!

    Cute comedy. Interesting action items and the characters are true to life and fun. Dettloff has a happy way with dialogue and the story moves well. I was very surprised at the use of the pancakes! And I laughed most of the way. I have no way of knowing about the "euphoria", but this made it a little easier to imagine. Thank you!

  • Sam Heyman: stuffed

    A bra-swapping farce (and so much more)! “stuffed” showcases playwright claire detloff’s talent for writing nuanced characters even while reveling in boob humor. This short play dishes out bra history, bust switcheroos, and more pancakes than you can stuff a bustier with! Lovely work.

    A bra-swapping farce (and so much more)! “stuffed” showcases playwright claire detloff’s talent for writing nuanced characters even while reveling in boob humor. This short play dishes out bra history, bust switcheroos, and more pancakes than you can stuff a bustier with! Lovely work.

  • Philip Middleton Williams: stuffed

    A hilarious take on the stricture and rules of foundation garments, claire dettloff gave the audience at the 2024 Valdez Theatre Conference a lot of fun moments as we watched maggie and june and the awestruck waiter try to figure out how to be comfortable within and without their bodies. To be honest, I will never be able to think of short-stacks, whipped cream, and hash browns in the same way. And clasps? Don't even go there.

    A hilarious take on the stricture and rules of foundation garments, claire dettloff gave the audience at the 2024 Valdez Theatre Conference a lot of fun moments as we watched maggie and june and the awestruck waiter try to figure out how to be comfortable within and without their bodies. To be honest, I will never be able to think of short-stacks, whipped cream, and hash browns in the same way. And clasps? Don't even go there.