Recommendations of Pilloried

  • John Busser: Pilloried

    A well-deserved winner of the Sam French OOB, Jillian Blevins manages to not only make us laugh, but teaches us something we'd all do well to remember about our own sense of self worth. Doxy and Wilkin make a great comedy team in the best sense. Wilkin's straight man (even if he physically can't be one) perfectly complements Doxy's "Devil-May-Care" foil who isn't about to let a thing like waking up in a pillory ruin her day. But I just hope she hasn't started a public trend for squeezing cheese.

    A well-deserved winner of the Sam French OOB, Jillian Blevins manages to not only make us laugh, but teaches us something we'd all do well to remember about our own sense of self worth. Doxy and Wilkin make a great comedy team in the best sense. Wilkin's straight man (even if he physically can't be one) perfectly complements Doxy's "Devil-May-Care" foil who isn't about to let a thing like waking up in a pillory ruin her day. But I just hope she hasn't started a public trend for squeezing cheese.

  • Shaun Leisher: Pilloried

    A hilarious short play about getting over shame and looking at the bright side of a bad situation. Great piece for two comedic actors.

    A hilarious short play about getting over shame and looking at the bright side of a bad situation. Great piece for two comedic actors.

  • Francis RTM Boyle: Pilloried

    Doxy is a less refined Eleanor Roosevelt, who once declared that "No one can make you feel inferior without your own consent." We live in an era of random stocks-er-pillories, and we're all guilty of something, so let's take Doxy's advice and fart as loud as we can.

    Pilloried is a fine example of wisdom arriving at the strangest of times and the most unlikely of people. Very well done, and no surprise that it won the OOB New Play Festival.

    Very proud to say of Jillian that I knew her when!

    Doxy is a less refined Eleanor Roosevelt, who once declared that "No one can make you feel inferior without your own consent." We live in an era of random stocks-er-pillories, and we're all guilty of something, so let's take Doxy's advice and fart as loud as we can.

    Pilloried is a fine example of wisdom arriving at the strangest of times and the most unlikely of people. Very well done, and no surprise that it won the OOB New Play Festival.

    Very proud to say of Jillian that I knew her when!

  • Jennifer O'Grady: Pilloried

    Blevins' '24 OOB Winner is a smart, wholly original and hilarious exploration of public shaming that, though ostensibly set in the actual pillory-using past, works equally well for our times. With two fantastic roles for actors, this is sure to be a hit with any audience.

    Blevins' '24 OOB Winner is a smart, wholly original and hilarious exploration of public shaming that, though ostensibly set in the actual pillory-using past, works equally well for our times. With two fantastic roles for actors, this is sure to be a hit with any audience.

  • Michael C. O'Day: Pilloried

    A delight, philosophical and scatalogical in equal measure. Blevins has created a funny, bawdy, strangely touching meditation on guilt, public disapproval, and finding ways to soldier on through life's indignities - and she has as much fun coming up with theatrical ways to demonstrate those indignities as she does coming up with flights of medieval verbiage that would do the Pythons proud.

    A delight, philosophical and scatalogical in equal measure. Blevins has created a funny, bawdy, strangely touching meditation on guilt, public disapproval, and finding ways to soldier on through life's indignities - and she has as much fun coming up with theatrical ways to demonstrate those indignities as she does coming up with flights of medieval verbiage that would do the Pythons proud.

  • Arthur M Jolly: Pilloried

    A refreshingly original glimpse of life, and a wonderful lesson about attitude being the salvation from circumstances that cannot change, even, as in the case of Doxy and Wilkin, when you are locked side by side in the same pillory. Jillian Blevins has crafted a beautiful, hopeful tale of resilience and defiance, and made it wickedly funny, raunchy and joyful!

    A refreshingly original glimpse of life, and a wonderful lesson about attitude being the salvation from circumstances that cannot change, even, as in the case of Doxy and Wilkin, when you are locked side by side in the same pillory. Jillian Blevins has crafted a beautiful, hopeful tale of resilience and defiance, and made it wickedly funny, raunchy and joyful!

  • Michael Towers: Pilloried

    We all need a Doxy in our lives. Someone to remind us to laugh at the little things and to never take ourselves too seriously but most importantly to find forgiveness for ourselves and each other-for our own HUMAN-NESS…cuz if we don’t, we don’t stand a chance. None of us. Nice to meet you Doxy!

    We all need a Doxy in our lives. Someone to remind us to laugh at the little things and to never take ourselves too seriously but most importantly to find forgiveness for ourselves and each other-for our own HUMAN-NESS…cuz if we don’t, we don’t stand a chance. None of us. Nice to meet you Doxy!

  • Michele Clarke: Pilloried

    Jillian Blevins' work is sublime. Here, it's from character to dialogue to lighting to choreo(ish). :) The description of Doxy's age is perfection and I'm now now in love with describing character gender by their pronouns -- because a drag Doxy would be equally delicious!

    Jillian Blevins' work is sublime. Here, it's from character to dialogue to lighting to choreo(ish). :) The description of Doxy's age is perfection and I'm now now in love with describing character gender by their pronouns -- because a drag Doxy would be equally delicious!

  • Vince Gatton: Pilloried

    The setting may be medieval, but the insights and lessons here about public shaming ring loud and clear in our 21st-Century digital age. It's also just a full-on hoot: bawdy, uncomfortable, and joyful. The characters may be literally locked in place, but the actors will find wide room to play in the agonized Wilkin and magnificently trashy Doxy. Brava.

    The setting may be medieval, but the insights and lessons here about public shaming ring loud and clear in our 21st-Century digital age. It's also just a full-on hoot: bawdy, uncomfortable, and joyful. The characters may be literally locked in place, but the actors will find wide room to play in the agonized Wilkin and magnificently trashy Doxy. Brava.

  • Charles Scott Jones: Pilloried

    The great gift of Jillian Blevins is that she teaches the heart and head simultaneously and surreptitiously as she entertains. Bawdy and wise, PILLORIED builds on the tension between the upbeat Doxy and downbeat Wilkin as they await their dual fates face-forward. Blevins creates a touching camaraderie between wench and knave forced to share infamy. I love Doxy’s “Still, you’ve got your health” and her “bit of wisdom,” the medieval-speak, and the singing. As merry as it is to read this short work, it would be truly delightful to behold.

    The great gift of Jillian Blevins is that she teaches the heart and head simultaneously and surreptitiously as she entertains. Bawdy and wise, PILLORIED builds on the tension between the upbeat Doxy and downbeat Wilkin as they await their dual fates face-forward. Blevins creates a touching camaraderie between wench and knave forced to share infamy. I love Doxy’s “Still, you’ve got your health” and her “bit of wisdom,” the medieval-speak, and the singing. As merry as it is to read this short work, it would be truly delightful to behold.