Recommendations of Pilloried

  • Sam Heyman: Pilloried

    "Pilloried" has more than its share of world-worn wisdom to impart, and it does so in a way that is utterly disarming. This hilarious, historical two-hander from Jillian Blevins sees its protagonists awaiting humiliation at the hands of the public, while finding a way to turn the very nature of the pillory-punishment on its head -- or maybe knock it on its arse. Clever, thoughtful, and a treat for designers everywhere.

    "Pilloried" has more than its share of world-worn wisdom to impart, and it does so in a way that is utterly disarming. This hilarious, historical two-hander from Jillian Blevins sees its protagonists awaiting humiliation at the hands of the public, while finding a way to turn the very nature of the pillory-punishment on its head -- or maybe knock it on its arse. Clever, thoughtful, and a treat for designers everywhere.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Pilloried

    Too much fun! What a gift for a pair of comedic actors this play is. It's broad and hilarious and light, and then all of a sudden you realize the play is giving you life advice - in a board, hilarious way. This short would enliven any evening of short plays!

    Too much fun! What a gift for a pair of comedic actors this play is. It's broad and hilarious and light, and then all of a sudden you realize the play is giving you life advice - in a board, hilarious way. This short would enliven any evening of short plays!

  • Nora Louise Syran: Pilloried

    We've all been there. Figuratively anyway. Stuck in the stocks-- or is it...?! Who cares?! It's hilarious. Everyone loves good pipi-caca humor but just can't admit it. Love the sunshine imagery at the end.

    We've all been there. Figuratively anyway. Stuck in the stocks-- or is it...?! Who cares?! It's hilarious. Everyone loves good pipi-caca humor but just can't admit it. Love the sunshine imagery at the end.

  • Arthur M Jolly: Pilloried

    Bawdy, rambunctious, with heart and even a few pearls of wisdom... if that sounds like the description of a medieval jester, you're onto why this play works so well. Wisdom through humor, and the technique of using low-brow body-function jokes to convey a lesson in shared humanity has worked well for thousands of years, and still resonates today in Jillian's wonderful "Pilloried."

    Bawdy, rambunctious, with heart and even a few pearls of wisdom... if that sounds like the description of a medieval jester, you're onto why this play works so well. Wisdom through humor, and the technique of using low-brow body-function jokes to convey a lesson in shared humanity has worked well for thousands of years, and still resonates today in Jillian's wonderful "Pilloried."

  • Brenton Kniess: Pilloried

    Well that was unexpected! Blevins writes a very comical and fun absurd comedy that also features a nice surprising sense of wisdom that ties the play together quite nicely. I guarantee everyone in the audience will be howling with laughter after watching this absurd historical comedy!

    Well that was unexpected! Blevins writes a very comical and fun absurd comedy that also features a nice surprising sense of wisdom that ties the play together quite nicely. I guarantee everyone in the audience will be howling with laughter after watching this absurd historical comedy!

  • Daniel Prillaman: Pilloried

    Everybody toots. What matters is how.

    Both a hilarious period comedy and a wise treatise on the power of embracing one's own shame, Blevins' little play is an absolute riot. Wilkin and Doxy are an immediately infectious duo, springing to life off of the page despite their stationary predicament. Any short playfest has a crowd winner with this one, as its gloriously dirty bodily function humor is just appropriate enough for all ages. Stop reading my words and read the play instead. Do it now.

    Everybody toots. What matters is how.

    Both a hilarious period comedy and a wise treatise on the power of embracing one's own shame, Blevins' little play is an absolute riot. Wilkin and Doxy are an immediately infectious duo, springing to life off of the page despite their stationary predicament. Any short playfest has a crowd winner with this one, as its gloriously dirty bodily function humor is just appropriate enough for all ages. Stop reading my words and read the play instead. Do it now.

  • Philip Middleton Williams: Pilloried

    Who can resist a flatulent metaphor? Not I, and Jillian Blevins rips this one out onto the porch and into the light of day. But barking-spider jokes aside, this short piece is worthy of sharing, and I am still grinning from the lessons that Doxy teaches Wilkin and the rest of us.

    Who can resist a flatulent metaphor? Not I, and Jillian Blevins rips this one out onto the porch and into the light of day. But barking-spider jokes aside, this short piece is worthy of sharing, and I am still grinning from the lessons that Doxy teaches Wilkin and the rest of us.

  • Morey Norkin: Pilloried

    Wisdom can come from the most unexpected source. In this hilarious two hander we learn that the answer is indeed blowing in the wind. Visual and verbal comedy abound! Stage this one soon and let her rip!

    Wisdom can come from the most unexpected source. In this hilarious two hander we learn that the answer is indeed blowing in the wind. Visual and verbal comedy abound! Stage this one soon and let her rip!

  • Christopher Soucy: Pilloried

    What a wonderful conveyance for a very important lesson. Jillian gives us a taste of old world wisdom that we can take to the streets with today.

    What a wonderful conveyance for a very important lesson. Jillian gives us a taste of old world wisdom that we can take to the streets with today.

  • Marilyn Ollett: Pilloried

    This play certainly comes up trumps. Jillian Blevins should be tooting her horn loud and proud at foisting (look it up!) this hilarious piece on the unsuspecting public. It's a GAS!

    This play certainly comes up trumps. Jillian Blevins should be tooting her horn loud and proud at foisting (look it up!) this hilarious piece on the unsuspecting public. It's a GAS!