Recommendations of The Sunset Train - 10 Minute Play

  • Brenton Kniess: The Sunset Train - 10 Minute Play

    This short play by Ryan Kaminski is original, creative, and truly well crafted. The story unfolds right before your eyes with great pacing and reveals two well developed characters. Would love to see this staged!

    This short play by Ryan Kaminski is original, creative, and truly well crafted. The story unfolds right before your eyes with great pacing and reveals two well developed characters. Would love to see this staged!

  • Peter Fenton: The Sunset Train - 10 Minute Play

    I was genuinely surprised by the ending of this 10-minute piece! I'm a sucker for a stylized period Western and even when I thought I knew where the piece was going, I was enjoying every step of the way. Kaminski's subversion work was both surprising and enhanced the piece. Great work!

    I was genuinely surprised by the ending of this 10-minute piece! I'm a sucker for a stylized period Western and even when I thought I knew where the piece was going, I was enjoying every step of the way. Kaminski's subversion work was both surprising and enhanced the piece. Great work!

  • Claudia Haas: The Sunset Train - 10 Minute Play

    An original, wild west tale, easily produced and easily understood in today’s norms. Original and nuanced with a duet of characters that will speak to us today. Life and death and a sunset.

    An original, wild west tale, easily produced and easily understood in today’s norms. Original and nuanced with a duet of characters that will speak to us today. Life and death and a sunset.

  • Christopher Plumridge: The Sunset Train - 10 Minute Play

    Oooh, clever! This train ride took me by surprise, for it headed down quite a different track than I expected!
    What's more, I do believe this is the first wild west ten minute play I've read.
    A great setting and perfect delivery, I'd love to see this staged!

    Oooh, clever! This train ride took me by surprise, for it headed down quite a different track than I expected!
    What's more, I do believe this is the first wild west ten minute play I've read.
    A great setting and perfect delivery, I'd love to see this staged!

  • Paul Smith: The Sunset Train - 10 Minute Play

    What a super piece of work is this. Ryan Kaminski skilfully sets up an American Western atmosphere - you can smell the dust - and delivers a wonderful short play with two superbly drawn characters - truly this could make a full-length story - a feature film even... an excellent story which draws you in immediately and keeps you moving nearer and nearer the edge of your seat.

    What a super piece of work is this. Ryan Kaminski skilfully sets up an American Western atmosphere - you can smell the dust - and delivers a wonderful short play with two superbly drawn characters - truly this could make a full-length story - a feature film even... an excellent story which draws you in immediately and keeps you moving nearer and nearer the edge of your seat.