Recommendations of Did you do the thing yet, Joe?

  • Hannah Lee DeFrates: Did you do the thing yet, Joe?

    Art imitates life imitates art.
    This absurdist comedy thriller is insane and hilarious.
    It'll leave you wondering if Joe, in fact, did the thing yet.

    Art imitates life imitates art.
    This absurdist comedy thriller is insane and hilarious.
    It'll leave you wondering if Joe, in fact, did the thing yet.

  • Joe Swenson: Did you do the thing yet, Joe?

    I couldn’t help reflecting upon my own life while reading this. My name is Joe and I have been asked if I’ve done the thing yet, many times.

    Love this farce. It’s fast, escalates beautifully, is full of laughs and includes many cameos from celebrities that you love and hate or love to hate.

    At the end of the day this play is existential. What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything if you haven’t done the thing that you need to do? Probably still 42.

    Brilliant! Chris is so much fun!

    I couldn’t help reflecting upon my own life while reading this. My name is Joe and I have been asked if I’ve done the thing yet, many times.

    Love this farce. It’s fast, escalates beautifully, is full of laughs and includes many cameos from celebrities that you love and hate or love to hate.

    At the end of the day this play is existential. What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything if you haven’t done the thing that you need to do? Probably still 42.

    Brilliant! Chris is so much fun!

  • Christopher Soucy: Did you do the thing yet, Joe?

    This is a hilarious diversion from actually getting the thing done. Christopher Plumridge has taken a simple phrase and turned it into a nightmare scenario. Kudos for the cameos. I would like it to be known, Joe brought this upon his himself. Long live the thing!

    This is a hilarious diversion from actually getting the thing done. Christopher Plumridge has taken a simple phrase and turned it into a nightmare scenario. Kudos for the cameos. I would like it to be known, Joe brought this upon his himself. Long live the thing!

  • John Patrick Bray: Did you do the thing yet, Joe?

    Spooky. Hilarious. Metatheatrical. Fast. Plausible. Scott Sickles and Arnold. CJS. Too much fun.

    But. I am uncertain.

    Did you do the thing yet, Joe?

    Spooky. Hilarious. Metatheatrical. Fast. Plausible. Scott Sickles and Arnold. CJS. Too much fun.

    But. I am uncertain.

    Did you do the thing yet, Joe?

  • Rachel Feeny-Williams: Did you do the thing yet, Joe?

    Never since children first learned to ask 'why' there been a more persistent, haunting and terrifying question as 'did you do the thing yet?' The script may be in its initial draft but I feel Chris has grasped the pressure how it can affect a person and used that to fuel this play. The movement between scenes to show how the question has infected Joe's life builds the tension wonderfully and I think not knowing where that question will come from next builds the tension more so. I think it would make a great Halloween thriller with one question!

    Never since children first learned to ask 'why' there been a more persistent, haunting and terrifying question as 'did you do the thing yet?' The script may be in its initial draft but I feel Chris has grasped the pressure how it can affect a person and used that to fuel this play. The movement between scenes to show how the question has infected Joe's life builds the tension wonderfully and I think not knowing where that question will come from next builds the tension more so. I think it would make a great Halloween thriller with one question!