Recommendations of The Unexpected Delight of Snow Birds

  • Morey Norkin: The Unexpected Delight of Snow Birds

    Funny and tender with the most creative insults I’ve ever encountered! Not to mention a wonderful name for a cat! Claire’s need to fully express her frustration and Brian’s patience and understanding make these two a completely relatable couple. After 47 years, they are still capable of creating a new tradition. Some smart theater should make this play their holiday tradition!

    Funny and tender with the most creative insults I’ve ever encountered! Not to mention a wonderful name for a cat! Claire’s need to fully express her frustration and Brian’s patience and understanding make these two a completely relatable couple. After 47 years, they are still capable of creating a new tradition. Some smart theater should make this play their holiday tradition!

  • Philip Middleton Williams: The Unexpected Delight of Snow Birds

    I could not help but think of my own late husband doing something as well-meaning and quirkily mis-guided as Brian's attempt to make up for a botched holiday trip to the Florida Keys with ... well, not exactly the gifts of the Magi. While Claire throws every epithet she can think of in repelling the gift, there's love in every caustic barb, and Brian's love shines through. Making a new tradition takes some ingenuity, creativity, and just plain love. I want to see this play regardless of the season.

    I could not help but think of my own late husband doing something as well-meaning and quirkily mis-guided as Brian's attempt to make up for a botched holiday trip to the Florida Keys with ... well, not exactly the gifts of the Magi. While Claire throws every epithet she can think of in repelling the gift, there's love in every caustic barb, and Brian's love shines through. Making a new tradition takes some ingenuity, creativity, and just plain love. I want to see this play regardless of the season.

  • Aly Kantor: The Unexpected Delight of Snow Birds

    As a devout agnostic whose only winter celebration is a made-up holiday called "Sistermas," this play hit home. As always, Lisa delivers a momentum-filled piece filled with witty but heartfelt dialogue, ensuring a play about grief is as complex and tumultuous as the experience of grief itself. The reversal is subtle but brilliant, as we watch these delightfully flawed characters begin to look ahead, crafting new, progressively absurd holiday traditions. You will love taking this ridiculous journey, and I am sure audiences will love it, too! Smile, pigeons!

    As a devout agnostic whose only winter celebration is a made-up holiday called "Sistermas," this play hit home. As always, Lisa delivers a momentum-filled piece filled with witty but heartfelt dialogue, ensuring a play about grief is as complex and tumultuous as the experience of grief itself. The reversal is subtle but brilliant, as we watch these delightfully flawed characters begin to look ahead, crafting new, progressively absurd holiday traditions. You will love taking this ridiculous journey, and I am sure audiences will love it, too! Smile, pigeons!

  • Sam Heyman: The Unexpected Delight of Snow Birds

    The sweetness of Brian, the caustic barbs of Claire, and the 'snow birds' that bring them together all cohere to make "The Unexpected Delight of Snow Birds" a play worth starting a tradition for. The emotions and humor of this piece are so true to life, and I found myself moved to tears while reading. Brava to Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend for this marvelous short play!

    The sweetness of Brian, the caustic barbs of Claire, and the 'snow birds' that bring them together all cohere to make "The Unexpected Delight of Snow Birds" a play worth starting a tradition for. The emotions and humor of this piece are so true to life, and I found myself moved to tears while reading. Brava to Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend for this marvelous short play!

  • Charles Scott Jones: The Unexpected Delight of Snow Birds

    If you think of playwriting for mature actors as a high dive, then this one’s a triple flip with a clean landing. Twisting, turning, flipping outstanding! And it’s a Christmas play that comes to life with two original characters in a realistic scenario. Claire’s hilarious insults to Brian don’t go too far and the way he fields them make them such an endearing couple. The title THE UNEXPECTED DELIGHT OF SNOW BIRDS made me think first of actual birds in winter, which - turns out - was cool. Please read and stage LDF’s holiday delight.

    If you think of playwriting for mature actors as a high dive, then this one’s a triple flip with a clean landing. Twisting, turning, flipping outstanding! And it’s a Christmas play that comes to life with two original characters in a realistic scenario. Claire’s hilarious insults to Brian don’t go too far and the way he fields them make them such an endearing couple. The title THE UNEXPECTED DELIGHT OF SNOW BIRDS made me think first of actual birds in winter, which - turns out - was cool. Please read and stage LDF’s holiday delight.

  • Christopher Soucy: The Unexpected Delight of Snow Birds

    Bittersweet. But ultimately sweet sweet. This is a very real feeling exchange between two people who have been together long enough to truly know one another. Lisa Deferiend has created a truly original holiday tradition. Loved it!

    Bittersweet. But ultimately sweet sweet. This is a very real feeling exchange between two people who have been together long enough to truly know one another. Lisa Deferiend has created a truly original holiday tradition. Loved it!

  • Jennifer O'Grady: The Unexpected Delight of Snow Birds

    A very funny and very lovely short play about a Christmas gift that isn't quite right, with two fabulous roles for 70+ actors. This would make a great addition to a short play fest including any holiday festival.

    A very funny and very lovely short play about a Christmas gift that isn't quite right, with two fabulous roles for 70+ actors. This would make a great addition to a short play fest including any holiday festival.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Unexpected Delight of Snow Birds

    The insults Claire hurls to express her anger are dazzlingly funny. As the object of her ire, poor Brian bumbles his way back into her good graces. This is a lovely play with a resolution full of holiday charm.

    The insults Claire hurls to express her anger are dazzlingly funny. As the object of her ire, poor Brian bumbles his way back into her good graces. This is a lovely play with a resolution full of holiday charm.

  • Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn: The Unexpected Delight of Snow Birds

    Claire’s rage at Brian is hilariously creative. I love Brian’s clumsy attempt at being sweet and sentimental. These two are wonderful characters and their love and connection is clear, even as Claire seethes. What a wonderfully fun way to soften the blow of tragedy.

    Claire’s rage at Brian is hilariously creative. I love Brian’s clumsy attempt at being sweet and sentimental. These two are wonderful characters and their love and connection is clear, even as Claire seethes. What a wonderfully fun way to soften the blow of tragedy.

  • Nora Louise Syran: The Unexpected Delight of Snow Birds

    This sweet Christmas play is a lovely balance between the Elf-like antics of "does somebody want a hug" (my vision of next year's Christmas with these two crazy "kids" in the park trying to catch a raccoon) and a beautifully subtle allusion to The Twelve Days of Christmas's "Two Turtle Doves" and the love (and other things...) filling Whiskers G. Harding's cat carrier. A short play for two mature (?!) actors. Love it.

    This sweet Christmas play is a lovely balance between the Elf-like antics of "does somebody want a hug" (my vision of next year's Christmas with these two crazy "kids" in the park trying to catch a raccoon) and a beautifully subtle allusion to The Twelve Days of Christmas's "Two Turtle Doves" and the love (and other things...) filling Whiskers G. Harding's cat carrier. A short play for two mature (?!) actors. Love it.