Recommendations of Poetica

  • Lee R. Lawing: Poetica

    As the playwright says himself, you've probably had this conversation and the genius of this two hander is that it is so believable to hear yourself in this conversation especially after some wine has been consumed and you will start to tally up the points in favor of and those against falling in love with poets, amateur or professional.

    As the playwright says himself, you've probably had this conversation and the genius of this two hander is that it is so believable to hear yourself in this conversation especially after some wine has been consumed and you will start to tally up the points in favor of and those against falling in love with poets, amateur or professional.

  • Cheryl Bear: Poetica

    Such a treat for poetry and literary buffs! Wonderful!

    Such a treat for poetry and literary buffs! Wonderful!

  • D. Lee Miller: Poetica

    This play tickled my funny bone. This treatise on the art of poetry is as necessary to artistic chatter as bubbles are to champagne. As the importance rises, so do the bubbles right up your nose and some out your mouth. But without the bubbles, champagne is so acidic. Just my opinion. An enjoyable piece of theatre!

    This play tickled my funny bone. This treatise on the art of poetry is as necessary to artistic chatter as bubbles are to champagne. As the importance rises, so do the bubbles right up your nose and some out your mouth. But without the bubbles, champagne is so acidic. Just my opinion. An enjoyable piece of theatre!