Artistic Statement

I write comedies because I've found that humor is one of the most powerful tools for exploring our foibles and flaws as humans. Dialogue that would sound preachy in a drama goes down a lot easier when couched in the over-the-top antics of a good old-fashioned farce. Characters that would seem unsympathetic in a serious play win the hearts and minds of the audience when they make people laugh.

My plays have explored some meaty themes: free will vs. determinism, the proper role of criticism in the theatre. But they're also entertaining.

It seems you can have your pie-in-the-face and eat it too.

Todd Wallinger

Artistic Statement

I write comedies because I've found that humor is one of the most powerful tools for exploring our foibles and flaws as humans. Dialogue that would sound preachy in a drama goes down a lot easier when couched in the over-the-top antics of a good old-fashioned farce. Characters that would seem unsympathetic in a serious play win the hearts and minds of the audience when they make people laugh.

My plays have explored some meaty themes: free will vs. determinism, the proper role of criticism in the theatre. But they're also entertaining.

It seems you can have your pie-in-the-face and eat it too.