Artistic Statement

For me, theatre has always been a safe space for the expression of identity and ideas. I wrote my first play at the age of seven and since have explored every single facet of making theatre. Once I had a full understanding of what comprises a piece of theatre that I found compelling, I felt qualified to begin creating my own stories.

Most of my career has been spent in the collaborative nature of Chicago's storefront theatres. I believe that in an era of increasing dependence upon technology and isolation, intimate live theatre has become more essential and will continue to be so. My work is specifically written for that sort of intimate experience, focused on creating dynamic characters in complex relationships and situations that I hope reflects a few universal truths.

Scott Carter Cooper

Artistic Statement

For me, theatre has always been a safe space for the expression of identity and ideas. I wrote my first play at the age of seven and since have explored every single facet of making theatre. Once I had a full understanding of what comprises a piece of theatre that I found compelling, I felt qualified to begin creating my own stories.

Most of my career has been spent in the collaborative nature of Chicago's storefront theatres. I believe that in an era of increasing dependence upon technology and isolation, intimate live theatre has become more essential and will continue to be so. My work is specifically written for that sort of intimate experience, focused on creating dynamic characters in complex relationships and situations that I hope reflects a few universal truths.