Artistic Statement

My writing is largely made up of serio-comic character-driven contemporary stories where I can explore characters who are beginning to strip away the identities they've layered on themselves to find their authentic truth, their honest voice, and the core of what makes them a complete universe. I like characters who are messy, confused, and uncertain but always, always walking through the world with hope. And, as someone with an actor background, my scripts usually contain a 1-2 minute monologue perfect for actresses between the ages of 18 and 30.

Molly Wagner

Artistic Statement

My writing is largely made up of serio-comic character-driven contemporary stories where I can explore characters who are beginning to strip away the identities they've layered on themselves to find their authentic truth, their honest voice, and the core of what makes them a complete universe. I like characters who are messy, confused, and uncertain but always, always walking through the world with hope. And, as someone with an actor background, my scripts usually contain a 1-2 minute monologue perfect for actresses between the ages of 18 and 30.