Artistic Statement

As a playwright, I bring to life stories that capture my imagination. I find that, if allowed, important life truths unfold naturally, subtly, often along carefully woven threads of humor running through relatable stories told in a way that allows them to seep into the conscious and subconscious. For some it will foster thought, perhaps growth. For others it will simply entertain. I’m happiest when both are achieved but believe either are worthy goals.

Kris Thompson

Artistic Statement

As a playwright, I bring to life stories that capture my imagination. I find that, if allowed, important life truths unfold naturally, subtly, often along carefully woven threads of humor running through relatable stories told in a way that allows them to seep into the conscious and subconscious. For some it will foster thought, perhaps growth. For others it will simply entertain. I’m happiest when both are achieved but believe either are worthy goals.