Artistic Statement

My work is sourced in my family’s 160 year history in the American West where my forefathers sold slippers in Chinatown, dry goods in the desert, and love in the bordellos. No wonder my plays mix up language, reality, tradition, and history. I tell stories that are unpredictable and exciting to an audience ready to behold the complexity and reach of women and Asians in the American West.

Eugenie Chan

Artistic Statement

My work is sourced in my family’s 160 year history in the American West where my forefathers sold slippers in Chinatown, dry goods in the desert, and love in the bordellos. No wonder my plays mix up language, reality, tradition, and history. I tell stories that are unpredictable and exciting to an audience ready to behold the complexity and reach of women and Asians in the American West.