Artistic Statement

A critic in New Orleans called my style “a wild farrago of language.”

A critic in Minneapolis described one of my shows in a way that covers much of my work:
"An Outopia For Pigeons is not only hilarious, it’s also deeply moving. It’s a dizzying mindf**k that also touches your heart in unexpected ways. It’s foul-mouthed but also strangely innocent. It’s irreverent, at times even blasphemous, but also very spiritual. It ricochets back and forth between such diametric opposites that you’d think a spectator would get whiplash trying to follow it. But the tone of the production is always perfectly balanced and guides you gently through what one might fear are choppy waves."

Those two reviewers sum it up nicely.

Justin Maxwell

Artistic Statement

A critic in New Orleans called my style “a wild farrago of language.”

A critic in Minneapolis described one of my shows in a way that covers much of my work:
"An Outopia For Pigeons is not only hilarious, it’s also deeply moving. It’s a dizzying mindf**k that also touches your heart in unexpected ways. It’s foul-mouthed but also strangely innocent. It’s irreverent, at times even blasphemous, but also very spiritual. It ricochets back and forth between such diametric opposites that you’d think a spectator would get whiplash trying to follow it. But the tone of the production is always perfectly balanced and guides you gently through what one might fear are choppy waves."

Those two reviewers sum it up nicely.