Artistic Statement

My favorite quote about the power of theater (and the North Star for my writing) is by August Wilson: "I believe in the American theatre. I believe in its power to inform about the human condition, its power to heal ... its power to uncover the truths we wrestle from uncertain and sometimes unyielding realities."

When an individual connects with the story and cares about the characters (even if they do not share the same heritage or world view), changes in perspective can and, I believe, do happen. Change (however small) is the first step toward reconciliation, justice and peace.

Shelia Payton

Artistic Statement

My favorite quote about the power of theater (and the North Star for my writing) is by August Wilson: "I believe in the American theatre. I believe in its power to inform about the human condition, its power to heal ... its power to uncover the truths we wrestle from uncertain and sometimes unyielding realities."

When an individual connects with the story and cares about the characters (even if they do not share the same heritage or world view), changes in perspective can and, I believe, do happen. Change (however small) is the first step toward reconciliation, justice and peace.