Artistic Statement

Moving from the stage to the page, I’ve taken on the craft of a playwright, a transition that has been both challenging and rewarding. The solitude of writing, once a stark contrast to the collaborative world of acting, now feels like a natural extension of my creative process. This shift has been made smoother by the wisdom imparted by mentors, the insights gained from coaches, and the camaraderie shared with peers—all of whom have enriched my journey in the arts.

In crafting each play, I explore the characters' psyche and examine their inner turmoil as the driving force behind their narratives. It’s not just the lead roles that draw me in sometimes. A line from a minor character can spark a journey into the story's heart, propelling me to explore its deeper meanings.

As a playwright, I aim to weave authentic, compelling tales that reflect the human condition in all its facets. I endeavor to create stories that prompt audiences to engage emotionally and intellectually, stories that speak to the core experiences of love, loss, hope, and redemption—timeless and universal themes.
Drawing upon my own life as an actor and observer, I conduct thorough research to ensure each play is steeped in its appropriate historical, cultural, and social milieu. I experiment with various genres and narrative devices, from dialogue to monologue, from flashbacks to foreshadowing, employing symbolism and metaphor to enrich the text.

Feedback is a crucial part of my process. I actively seek out the perspectives of mentors, peers, and audiences, embracing their critiques and suggestions. Through revision and collaboration with the creative team, I strive to refine my work until it resonates with clarity and impact.

Playwriting is not just my new vocation but has become my joy and calling. It defines me and brings fulfillment to my life now. I am eager to share this passion with you and am grateful for everyone's interest and support over the past sixty years. Let it be known that all my mentor's guidance and my experiences are in every word I write.

Tom Erb

Artistic Statement

Moving from the stage to the page, I’ve taken on the craft of a playwright, a transition that has been both challenging and rewarding. The solitude of writing, once a stark contrast to the collaborative world of acting, now feels like a natural extension of my creative process. This shift has been made smoother by the wisdom imparted by mentors, the insights gained from coaches, and the camaraderie shared with peers—all of whom have enriched my journey in the arts.

In crafting each play, I explore the characters' psyche and examine their inner turmoil as the driving force behind their narratives. It’s not just the lead roles that draw me in sometimes. A line from a minor character can spark a journey into the story's heart, propelling me to explore its deeper meanings.

As a playwright, I aim to weave authentic, compelling tales that reflect the human condition in all its facets. I endeavor to create stories that prompt audiences to engage emotionally and intellectually, stories that speak to the core experiences of love, loss, hope, and redemption—timeless and universal themes.
Drawing upon my own life as an actor and observer, I conduct thorough research to ensure each play is steeped in its appropriate historical, cultural, and social milieu. I experiment with various genres and narrative devices, from dialogue to monologue, from flashbacks to foreshadowing, employing symbolism and metaphor to enrich the text.

Feedback is a crucial part of my process. I actively seek out the perspectives of mentors, peers, and audiences, embracing their critiques and suggestions. Through revision and collaboration with the creative team, I strive to refine my work until it resonates with clarity and impact.

Playwriting is not just my new vocation but has become my joy and calling. It defines me and brings fulfillment to my life now. I am eager to share this passion with you and am grateful for everyone's interest and support over the past sixty years. Let it be known that all my mentor's guidance and my experiences are in every word I write.