Artistic Statement

I embrace the power of the theater to offer transformation and insight, to open hearts and minds to new perspectives, and to let the spirit soar. My full-length and one-act plays, some comic, others serious, use stylized staging to address provocative topics with human rights at their core. I aim to reach out to audiences with images that open them to new ways of considering the world. It is in this way that I believe we can envision change.

Cynthia L. (Cindy) Cooper

Artistic Statement

I embrace the power of the theater to offer transformation and insight, to open hearts and minds to new perspectives, and to let the spirit soar. My full-length and one-act plays, some comic, others serious, use stylized staging to address provocative topics with human rights at their core. I aim to reach out to audiences with images that open them to new ways of considering the world. It is in this way that I believe we can envision change.