Artistic Statement

As a playwright, I am moved to explore the intersection of the pedestrian and the poetic, and love to marry the two in my work. I am also a deeply character-driven writer and make liberal use of monologues in my work. I enjoy dabbling in collage, and references from the classics to pop culture are often in my plays, whether they are name-dropped by a character who is passionate about them, or simply alluded to in the structure of the play itself. My plays often explore intergenerational relationships in all of their forms, especially motherhood and friendships that span age groups. I love to see the way that characters from different ages and of different ages interact with and challenge one another.

Elisabeth Giffin Speckman

Artistic Statement

As a playwright, I am moved to explore the intersection of the pedestrian and the poetic, and love to marry the two in my work. I am also a deeply character-driven writer and make liberal use of monologues in my work. I enjoy dabbling in collage, and references from the classics to pop culture are often in my plays, whether they are name-dropped by a character who is passionate about them, or simply alluded to in the structure of the play itself. My plays often explore intergenerational relationships in all of their forms, especially motherhood and friendships that span age groups. I love to see the way that characters from different ages and of different ages interact with and challenge one another.