Artistic Statement

I build play-grounds where we can explore the unnamable, indescribable parts of being alive, together. Where audiences and artists alike can let our guards down, try stuff out, poke at things, laugh at ourselves. To play! As any kids knows, play is a serious matter. It helps us make sense of our world. It’s how we test drive identities, process our surroundings, develop skills, ask questions, practice risk-taking, and test-drive possibilities. That doesn’t end once we hit double-digits or walk across an auditorium in a cap and gown. Life is a wild ride and we need play to figure out how to survive it.

Maizy Broderick Scarpa

Artistic Statement

I build play-grounds where we can explore the unnamable, indescribable parts of being alive, together. Where audiences and artists alike can let our guards down, try stuff out, poke at things, laugh at ourselves. To play! As any kids knows, play is a serious matter. It helps us make sense of our world. It’s how we test drive identities, process our surroundings, develop skills, ask questions, practice risk-taking, and test-drive possibilities. That doesn’t end once we hit double-digits or walk across an auditorium in a cap and gown. Life is a wild ride and we need play to figure out how to survive it.