Artistic Statement

I write plays and comedy that exist at the intersection of the personal and the political, frequently centering women and girls. I’m particularly interested in writing plays that use language and sound in new ways, plays that ask me to reconsider what I think I know, and plays with a satirical bent, by which I mean plays that comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. When I’m not writing plays, I work as a dramaturg, theatre admin, comedy writer, and scholar. Research and activism are at the center of my practice, and I strive to make my process mirror my values, placing intersectionality and artistic integrity at the forefront. New plays are my obsession, and I love helping other writers tell the stories only they can tell. I love working with playwrights on how to make their plays compelling, urgent, and unique. My goal is to make work that is irreverent, thought-provoking, and above all, driven by empathy.

Dianne Nora

Artistic Statement

I write plays and comedy that exist at the intersection of the personal and the political, frequently centering women and girls. I’m particularly interested in writing plays that use language and sound in new ways, plays that ask me to reconsider what I think I know, and plays with a satirical bent, by which I mean plays that comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. When I’m not writing plays, I work as a dramaturg, theatre admin, comedy writer, and scholar. Research and activism are at the center of my practice, and I strive to make my process mirror my values, placing intersectionality and artistic integrity at the forefront. New plays are my obsession, and I love helping other writers tell the stories only they can tell. I love working with playwrights on how to make their plays compelling, urgent, and unique. My goal is to make work that is irreverent, thought-provoking, and above all, driven by empathy.