Artistic Statement

Welcome to my world. Basic in its simplicity, classically contemporary in style, and intellectual in thought, if you're looking to see the world in a new way-well, let's just say you're in the right place. Subvert stereotypes. Question authority.

A vaguely accessible manifesto on the state of modern theatre (circa April 2020):

A manifesto for what theater might look like in the 2020th year of our lord, in the post corona age, where we value accessibility, reach, and frequency as an essential part of our theatrical society, such as it needs to be in the modern five limbed world:

First and foremost, in such a world, there is no line between the sequins and the Shakespeare. There is no limits on the boundaries of the work that one can pursue – what one chooses to pursue – when we are in a world not limited by stigma or discrimination, by age, citizenship status, disability, race, religion, creed, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, veterans’ status, or status with regard to public assistance. (Though one should of course be considerate of their lived experience and demographic when choosing the proper material to write about.)

We can then discuss disseminating this world of theater into the larger society that surrounds it so that the theater becomes part of the greater discourse in the culture today. There will be no stigma, no sacrifice, in order to make the most of living one’s truth.

That sounds like a nice idea, you say. But how on earth could this ever be accomplished? Let’s start with this – let’s each commit oneself to making it so that we no longer need guerilla girls or black lives matter or occupy wall street in this industry. Let’s pixelate the press and digitize the stages, bold the middle line between bootlegs and Broadway.

Alas, for right now, it is just a dream. But to know what it means to dream, what it means to be angry, what means to cry, to run away crying and screaming and never looking back – to most, life happens. But to us, those who feel this, it is truly living.

And that is why we write for the stage – to force an audience to come face to face with reality and not look away. Tell us how comically tragic and absurd this all is and don’t look away – you know, because we have plunged you into complete darkness and all…

As a community, each one of us has a responsibility to showcase the stories that give us the compulsion to bring forth the life and light inside us. To us, a want is not a want but a need, and a burning desire for those who can listen to listen. To that end, we owe our audiences and ourselves the ability to access these stories – then we must develop a plan to make them listen with great haste.

“I want to tell stories of librarians and lovers,
Sinners and saints,
Teachers and troublemakers,
Cops and cons and things people do in the dark.
And still, when my time is up-have I done enough?
Have I made my mark?”

Glitter is light and dark and in our blood. Let it sparkle.

Do attend.

Gabriella Balsam

Artistic Statement

Welcome to my world. Basic in its simplicity, classically contemporary in style, and intellectual in thought, if you're looking to see the world in a new way-well, let's just say you're in the right place. Subvert stereotypes. Question authority.

A vaguely accessible manifesto on the state of modern theatre (circa April 2020):

A manifesto for what theater might look like in the 2020th year of our lord, in the post corona age, where we value accessibility, reach, and frequency as an essential part of our theatrical society, such as it needs to be in the modern five limbed world:

First and foremost, in such a world, there is no line between the sequins and the Shakespeare. There is no limits on the boundaries of the work that one can pursue – what one chooses to pursue – when we are in a world not limited by stigma or discrimination, by age, citizenship status, disability, race, religion, creed, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, veterans’ status, or status with regard to public assistance. (Though one should of course be considerate of their lived experience and demographic when choosing the proper material to write about.)

We can then discuss disseminating this world of theater into the larger society that surrounds it so that the theater becomes part of the greater discourse in the culture today. There will be no stigma, no sacrifice, in order to make the most of living one’s truth.

That sounds like a nice idea, you say. But how on earth could this ever be accomplished? Let’s start with this – let’s each commit oneself to making it so that we no longer need guerilla girls or black lives matter or occupy wall street in this industry. Let’s pixelate the press and digitize the stages, bold the middle line between bootlegs and Broadway.

Alas, for right now, it is just a dream. But to know what it means to dream, what it means to be angry, what means to cry, to run away crying and screaming and never looking back – to most, life happens. But to us, those who feel this, it is truly living.

And that is why we write for the stage – to force an audience to come face to face with reality and not look away. Tell us how comically tragic and absurd this all is and don’t look away – you know, because we have plunged you into complete darkness and all…

As a community, each one of us has a responsibility to showcase the stories that give us the compulsion to bring forth the life and light inside us. To us, a want is not a want but a need, and a burning desire for those who can listen to listen. To that end, we owe our audiences and ourselves the ability to access these stories – then we must develop a plan to make them listen with great haste.

“I want to tell stories of librarians and lovers,
Sinners and saints,
Teachers and troublemakers,
Cops and cons and things people do in the dark.
And still, when my time is up-have I done enough?
Have I made my mark?”

Glitter is light and dark and in our blood. Let it sparkle.

Do attend.