Artistic Statement

I find myself most drawn to write about themes that have directly shaped my life: immigration, queerness, and state violence. More central to my artistic ethos than themes, however, is my intended audience; I write so members of my communities who have historically been misrepresented in the American theatre can see their full selves on stage. To me, this means writing heroes and model minorities but also flawed, nuanced, complex characters who navigate modern life at the intersections of these themes. 

From realism, to Brechtian epic, to verbatim, my plays are formally eclectic; their throughline, however, is that they question and re-examine the written and sanctioned version of history, and in doing so, create a counterhistory. I define myself as an American playwright despite being an immigrant whose plays are often set outside U.S. borders because I believe my writing expands what it means to be an American.

Adam Ashraf Elsayigh

Artistic Statement

I find myself most drawn to write about themes that have directly shaped my life: immigration, queerness, and state violence. More central to my artistic ethos than themes, however, is my intended audience; I write so members of my communities who have historically been misrepresented in the American theatre can see their full selves on stage. To me, this means writing heroes and model minorities but also flawed, nuanced, complex characters who navigate modern life at the intersections of these themes. 

From realism, to Brechtian epic, to verbatim, my plays are formally eclectic; their throughline, however, is that they question and re-examine the written and sanctioned version of history, and in doing so, create a counterhistory. I define myself as an American playwright despite being an immigrant whose plays are often set outside U.S. borders because I believe my writing expands what it means to be an American.