Artistic Statement

Always create.

I strive to look upon the world with a clear eye, a keen mind and an open heart. I write plays to explore the depths of who we are to each other. I write as a way of trying to understand and probe the intricacies of our uniqueness. I write to share my voice with the world. A story can unite us all. Theatre endows a shared experience with author, actor and audience. A play can create and inspire within us a spark of change, realization and revolution.

Scott Dunn

Artistic Statement

Always create.

I strive to look upon the world with a clear eye, a keen mind and an open heart. I write plays to explore the depths of who we are to each other. I write as a way of trying to understand and probe the intricacies of our uniqueness. I write to share my voice with the world. A story can unite us all. Theatre endows a shared experience with author, actor and audience. A play can create and inspire within us a spark of change, realization and revolution.