Artistic Statement

I believe that human beings are the most fascinating creatures on the planet. When I write, I put my characters above all else and strive to make them as complex, flawed, and conflicted as we all often are. I strive to give my characters unique specificity, thereby embedding my plays with voices and perspectives not often explored on stage. Each one of my plays are loosely based on situations or people I have encountered in life, and I wouldn't be the writer or person I am today without them.

Jordan Morille

Artistic Statement

I believe that human beings are the most fascinating creatures on the planet. When I write, I put my characters above all else and strive to make them as complex, flawed, and conflicted as we all often are. I strive to give my characters unique specificity, thereby embedding my plays with voices and perspectives not often explored on stage. Each one of my plays are loosely based on situations or people I have encountered in life, and I wouldn't be the writer or person I am today without them.